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Diet at an ulcer

The diet at stomach ulcer and 12 perstny guts is important. Диета при язве - часть лечения

Any scheme of treatment of these diseases surely joins dietary food which helps not only to acceleration of process of scarring of an ulcer, but also allows to support a disease in a remission stage. The diet at stomach ulcer considers culinary processing of food stuffs, frequency rate of meal and an exception of the products irritating a mucous membrane of a GIT. Strict observance of all recommendations of the doctor about a diet at an ulcer give the chance to reduce the number of a recurrence of a disease and to improve quality of life of the patient. A diet at an ulcer rather rigid therefore support of relatives and relatives, their understanding of a problem is always necessary for any patient.

Technique of purpose of a diet at an ulcer

Recommendations about a diet at an ulcer can be divided into dietary food during an exacerbation of a disease and during remission. It is especially possible to allocate a diet after a perforated ulcer.

The diet at an exacerbation of an ulcer represents strict restriction of all possible products which can cause irritation mucous a stomach and increase development of a gastric juice. In the period of an aggravation it is recommended to use products which do not bear in themselves solid particles that can injure mucous in addition.

The diet at an exacerbation of an ulcer has to include the wiped and mucous soups, dairy products (excepting acid: cottage cheese, sour cream). All products have to be boiled or steamed. The greasy, acute, fried, smoked, marinated food is excluded from a diet.

The diet at an ulcer of a gut provides restriction of the use in a diet of crude vegetables, fruit, bread of a rough grinding as these products promotes bystry evacuation of food from a stomach in intestines that leads to additional irritation of mucous.

During remission the diet at an ulcer can extend, but reasonably. More rough food which should not stimulate the increased production of hydrochloric acid and enzymes with a stomach is allowed. Restriction for the use of the acute, fried, smoked and marinated food remains.

Special attention in the period of a diet at stomach ulcer needs to be paid to an exception of a diet of such food stuffs as chips, carbonated drinks, sunflower seeds, instant products and an industrial image the cooked food, except for that that it is intended for baby food. It is most strictly forbidden to use fast food in a diet of the person with a peptic ulcer of a stomach and 12 perstny guts.

Frequency rate of meal during a diet at an ulcer

Special attention should be paid not only to structure of food and its culinary processing, but also frequency rate of reception and volume of portions.

The diet at an ulcer of intestines and stomach provides frequent fractional food. It means that the person has to eat 5-6 times days, but at the same time the volume of its portion has to be reduced. It is necessary in order that there was a deactivation of the hydrochloric acid which is formed in a stomach.При обострении язвы диета включает протертые супы

In addition to dietary food in treatment of stomach ulcer use drink of medicinal mineral water, promotes more bystry recovery mucous and to decrease in pathological influence of hydrochloric acid.

Diet after a perforated ulcer

The perforated ulcer is acute surgical pathology and demands operational treatment. Strict hunger is appointed to the period before carrying out operation to the patient. In the first days after carrying out operation to the patient the so-called zero diet is appointed.

This diet after a perforated ulcer provides a complete elimination of food from a diet, only rare rinsing of an oral cavity is authorized. Hunger is observed by the patient for 3 days. Further the diet gradually extends introduction of one-two products each 3-4 days.

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