Main > Reference book of diets> A diet at cancer

Diet at cancer

The diet at cancer is intended for improvement of the general condition of patients, decrease in risk of development of metastasises and a secondary disease. Such food has to be balanced, with the maintenance of a large amount of vitamins and microelements.Диета при раке - рацион питания, снижающий риск развития метастаз

Features of an anti-cancer diet

During the international medical researches it was established that the daily use of fruit and vegetables allows to reduce risk of development of oncological diseases by 20-30%. The structure of fresh fruit and vegetables has anticarcinogenic and antiinflammatory effect. It is necessary to include 5 portions of fruit together with bean cultures, grain and rice in a daily diet.

The diet at cancer allows to strengthen immune system during treatment and chemotherapy. Vitamins, minerals and microelements allow to reduce risk of development of malignant tumors and promote effective treatment.

The correct anti-cancer diet promotes recovery of healthy cells and fabrics, improvement of health and prevention of exhaustion at various stages of a course of oncological diseases.

Planning of the menu of a diet at cancer

During a diet at cancer it is necessary to plan a daily food allowance and to increase the volume of consumption of healthy food.

It is possible to carry to useful products:

  • green plants (seaweed, greens, cabbage, mustard, nettle, chlorella) with high content of a chlorophyll for increase in anticarcinogenic activity and stimulation of phagocytosis;
  • red-orange and yellow vegetables, fruit and plants which are saturated with lycopene and Luteinum and also possess anticarcinogenic action and increase immunity;
  • blue (purple and violet) vegetables and fruit with the high content of the antotsianid intended for neutralization of free radicals, elimination of inflammatory processes and activation of immune system in fight against toxins and viruses;
  • antineoplastic vegetables and fruit (garlic, onions, broccoli, pineapple, etc.);
  • cruciferae family vegetables with the maintenance of the indole activating antineoplastic properties;
  • green tea;
  • fruit and berries with the ellaginovy acid preventing development of cancer cells.

The diet at cancer of a rectum and digestive organs is strict and orders to exclude the following products from a diet:

  • meat and sausages;
  • animal fats, margarine and mayonnaise;
  • fish and fish products;
  • dairy products of high fat content;
  • eggs;
  • smoked and marinated products;
  • fried dishes;
  • sugar;
  • flour products;
  • canned food and semi-finished products;
  • artificial and carbonated drinks;
  • coffee and chocolate;
  • mushrooms;
  • bean cultures;
  • yeast;
  • vinegar;
  • vegetable oils;
  • potatoes;
  • cocoes and coconut milk;
  • fermented vegetables.

Drawing up a diet at a carcinoma of the stomach

For drawing up a diet at a carcinoma of the stomach it is necessary to consider age, physiological and psychological features of the patient, and also a stage of a course of an oncological disease.

At the first stage it is necessary to limit gradually the use of fat, acute and flour products. A basis of a daily diet porridges have to make the boiled crude rice and freshly squeezed juice of buckwheat, oats and wheat. Are useful during a diet at cancer beet, celery and carrot juice.

In the second stage of a diet at a carcinoma of the stomach it is necessary to use a large number of the boiled and soared vegetables, and also it is necessary to add to a diet dogrose broth, lemon juice, red currant, apples, greens, onions and garlic. The second stage of an anti-cancer diet lasts from 2 to 4 months.

The final third stage of a diet at a carcinoma of the stomach assumes clarification of an organism from salts and toxins. It is necessary to enter nuts, various vegetables and fruit, sunflower seeds, lentil and grain crops into a diet.

During the entire period of observance of a diet at cancer of a rectum and stomach it is necessary to eat food in strictly allotted hours, not to allow emergence of attacks of hunger and exhaustion of an organism.Особенности питания на диете при раке

Recommendations for a diet at a breast cancer

It is necessary to keep to a diet at a breast cancer both during preparation for the main treatment, and during the main therapy (chemotherapy, radiotheraphy, etc.). The correct dietary menu will allow to improve a condition of an organism and to reduce side effect of chemical methods of treatment.

The balanced and regular anti-cancer diet reduces risk of development of repeated breast cancer and eliminates such promoting factors as obesity, a diabetes mellitus, a hypertension and disturbances of exchange processes.

It is possible to select the following main recommendations of a diet at a breast cancer:

  • decrease in daily caloric content of products;
  • fruit and vegetables, cereals and freshly squeezed juice have to be a basis of a diet;
  • animal and vegetable fats have to be reduced to a minimum;
  • consumption of soy has to be limited;
  • for strengthening of the musculoskeletal device it is necessary to use 2 grams of calcium a day;
  • it is necessary to exclude flour products, alcoholic and carbonated drinks from the menu;
  • sugar and sacchariferous products should be excluded as they are a nutritious component of cancer cells;
  • at a lack of vitamin D it is necessary to use fish oil, sardines, a herring, a tuna and cod liver.

The anti-cancer diet has to be carried out under observation of the treating oncologist and nutritionist with constant control of level of glucose and cholesterol to blood.

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