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Diet at a diabetes mellitus

Диета при сахарном диабете - диетический стол номер 9The diabetes mellitus is chronic disbolism which is always followed by increase in level of sugar in blood. When concentration of this substance exceeds physiological values, it begins to have toxic effect. Also late complications can develop diabetic a coma (damage of eyes, kidneys, hearts, a nervous system, feet). The diabetes mellitus reasons a little, according to it, allocate different forms of diabetes: 1 types, 2nd type of a disease, gestational and other types of diabetes. Dietary food is the cornerstone of treatment of any diabetes mellitus. The diet at a diabetes mellitus shall be kept by the patient. At sugar in blood the diet corresponds to a medical table number 9.

Diet at blood sugar

The diet at a diabetes mellitus is a healthy nutrition to which it is necessary to adhere constantly after establishment of the diagnosis. At any type of diabetes the food caloric content, its structure, amount of carbohydrates and fats is always controlled. At a diabetes mellitus 2 types the diet sometimes happens the only and sufficient type of treatment.

Diet caloric content at a diabetes mellitus

Food brings in an organism energy for work of all cells in the form of calories. To support normal body weight, with diabetes it is important to patient to receive as much calories how many it spends. It is possible to use calorie charts of different types of food and the label of goods to learn energy value of a product. The need for calories at all people different. It depends on age, sex, body weight, physical activity. Patients with a diabetes mellitus and obesity need rather small amount of calories. If there is no heavy and long exercise stress during the day, then to men about 2000 kilocalories a day, and to women – 1200 kilocalories a day are necessary to patients. In treatment of a diabetes mellitus 2 types the diet is under construction, first of all, on restriction of caloric content of food. If the patient has no excess body weight, then strict need to consider caloric content some food is not present.

Carbohydrates in a diet at a diabetes mellitus

Food contains carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins and microelements in the structure. Of course, all these components are necessary for the correct metabolism. The greatest impact on sugar in blood is exerted by food carbohydrates. A part of carbohydrates have short chemical structure. It monosugar – glucose, fructose, sucrose. Such carbohydrates are acquired very quickly. After hit in an organism of monosugars within the next minutes blood sugar raises. From food stuffs many monosugars contain all confectionery, sugar, honey, fruit juice, bananas, grapes, dried fruits. Other carbohydrates have more complex structure and a long chemical chain. These carbohydrates call polysaccharides. They raise sugar in blood in 1-2 hours after hit in an organism. Polysaccharides in a large number are found in grain, pasta, potatoes, dairy and flour products. This food has to be the main source of calories at all including at patients with a diabetes mellitus. The diet at the raised sugar of blood assumes reception of products with carbohydrates daily and in each main meal (a breakfast, a lunch, a dinner). Is it is possible polysaccharides and monosugar is impossible. Means, at sugar in blood it is possible porridge, bread, potatoes, rice, macaroni, but nothing sweet is impossible. Of course, polysaccharides cannot be eaten in very large number. Besides, each meal has to contain approximately identical amount of carbohydrates if treatment is carried out by tablets. If the patient with a diabetes mellitus receives treatment by insulin, then the amount of carbohydrates can be more, and less (at will). To count amount of carbohydrates in food the special system of grain units is used. For one unit it is considered to be 10-12 grams of carbohydrates. So many polysaccharides contain, for example, one piece of bread (25 grams), two spoons of porridge (50 grams), a glass of milk (250 grams). At one time food it is necessary to eat at least 2 grain units. The more it will be eaten units, the after food blood sugar will rise above.

Fats in a diet at sugar

At a diabetes mellitus not only carbohydrate metabolism, but also and fatty is broken. It can lead to increase in cholesterol of blood that provokes injury of arteries. As a result at patients with diabetes late complications – disturbances of blood supply of the lower extremities, hearts, a brain develop. To prevent such effects, in a diet at the raised sugar the amount of fats of food is limited. First of all it is necessary to reduce the volume of animal fat. It is necessary to refuse fat meat, fat, sausages, semi-finished products, sour cream, mayonnaise, butter. Within a week it is possible to eat only 2 eggs. From dairy products it is desirable to give preference to the fat-free types of milk, cottage cheese, kefir. Vegetable fats have to be considered and limited in a diet at a diabetes mellitus too. The matter is that vegetable oil is the most caloric type of food (100 grams contain about 900 kilocalories). Therefore at problems with weight it is necessary to use no more than 1-2 spoons of oil a day. Sunflower seeds, nutlets contain a lot of fat. They should be eaten only occasionally. At sugar in blood the diet on fats is special strict at patients with excess body weight.Особенности питания на диете при сахарном диабете

Proteinaceous food in a diet at a diabetes mellitus

Proteins are necessary to an organism for creation and maintenance in the functioning condition of cells of all fabrics. Proteinaceous food is a meat, chicken, fish, cottage cheese. A lot of protein also vegetable food contains, first of all, bean. For the person phytalbumin is not full. Therefore at a diabetes mellitus the vegetarian power supply system is never recommended. So, proteinaceous food has to be daily in moderate quantity on a table of patients with diabetes. Patients with a diabetes mellitus cannot keep to the low-carbohydrate diets containing too much protein at all (for example, "Kremlin"). In some situations it will be required to limit strongly amount of protein in food. So can happen at heavy complications from kidneys – a chronic renal failure. Of course, only the specialist can give the recommendation to reduce food protein content.

Sweeteners and diet at a diabetes mellitus

The raised sugar in blood will demand an exception of monosaccharides – glucose, sucrose, fructose. Patients with diabetes have to refuse all sweet. But sweet taste – genetically the most favourite for the person. Moreover, many have a psychological dependence on sweet. Therefore the diet at sugar in blood may contain sweeteners. These substances have sweet taste, but do not influence sugar in blood. A part of sweeteners has caloric content, and a part does not. Noncaloric sweeteners do not influence neither blood sugar, nor body weight. Such substances are aspartame, saccharin, cyclomate. Caloric sweeteners (sorbite, xylitol) and products with their use should be considered on system of grain units and to limit strongly at patients with obesity.

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