It is considered to be that the diet of doctors is developed by doctors for patients with severe forms of obesity. Estimated result of a diet of physicians – an alternative to an operative measure.
Independently appoint to itself a diet of doctors it can to be unsafe for health. It is the most reasonable to observe it under control of the specialist, and it is even better – in the hospital mode. There are two kinds of a diet of physicians – 14 days and 7 days. According to responses, the diet of doctors helps to dump from 10 to 13 kg.
For the purpose of achievement of result, the diet of physicians is characterized by the low caloric content and high severity.
In the first day one and a half liters of still mineral water should be divided into six receptions.
During the second day drink eight hundred milliliters of skim milk, and it is before going to bed allowed to eat one apple.
The third day of a diet of doctors is similar to the first.
For the fourth day for three-four receptions eat one liter of salad from fresh vegetables: cabbage, carrots and greens are filled with one tablespoon of vegetable oil. Besides it is allowed to drink two glasses of water or unsweetened tea.
The menu of the fifth day of a diet of physicians corresponds to the second day.
The first breakfast of the sixth day consists of boiled egg and a half of a cup of tea. For the second breakfast drink vegetable broth. During the lunchtime eat hundred grams of boiled meat with a garnish from hundred grams of tinned green peas. For an afternoon snack, a dinner and before going to bed eat on one apple.
During the seventh day drink on a floor of liter of milk and kefir, eat hundred grams of cottage cheese. One glass of tea is before going to bed allowed.
The eighth day of a diet of doctors as well as the first, consists of one and a half liters of still mineral water divided into six receptions.
During the ninth day drink one liter of low-fat milk, and before going to bed eat one apple.
The tenth day is similar to the first.
The diet of the eleventh day consists of vegetable salad – a celery, parsley and fennel are filled with one tablespoon of vegetable oil and a pinch of salt, - and also two glasses of water or unsweetened tea.
The twelfth day of a diet of doctors corresponds to the ninth.
During the whole thirteenth day it is authorized to drink still water, the breakfast consists of boiled egg and a half of a cup of tea, and a lunch from hundred grams of skim cheese.
In the fourteenth day also as well as in the first drink still water – one and a half liters on six receptions.
Duration of a diet of doctors can be limited in the first seven days. Irrespective of the chosen course during the entire period of a diet it is required to accept polyvitaminic drugs in addition. The repeated course of a diet of doctors is admissible not earlier than two months later.
After an exit from a diet of doctors it is necessary to refrain from the use of high-calorific food, and energy value of a diet should be increased gradually.
Also as well as after other rigid low-calorie diets special difficulty is presented by deduction of weight. If the patient did not manage to sustain a diet of doctors, even increase in body weight is possible.
It is obvious that the diet of doctors has a number of medical contraindications. Carry some chronic general diseases reducing the general tone of an organism, food allergies and individual intolerance of products, and also blood diseases, in particular, of anemia to them.
At observance of a diet of doctors outside the conditions of a hospital, especially when performing certain exercise stresses or without separation from professional activity it is necessary to observe especially a sleep pattern and rest.
Even if heart of the person does not fight, then he all the same can live during a long period, as the Norwegian fisherman Jan Revsdal showed us. Its "motor" stopped for 4 hours after the fisherman got lost and fell asleep in snow.
According to doctors, more than a half of men of 25-50 years suffer from frustration of the urinogenital sphere, but sees a doctor from them меньшинс...
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