Main > Diseases> Diphtheria


Short characteristic of a disease

Симптомы дифтерии

Diphtheria has infectious character and is transmitted in the airborne way. The sick person or a healthy carrier of a diphtheritic bacterium can become a source of infection. Healthy carriers of a diphtheritic bacterium have the anti-toxic immunity which is firmly resisting to a contagium.

Diphtheria is characterized by an inflammation mucous a mouth and a nasopharynx, is more rare - generative organs, eyes and open wounds. There is a simultaneous defeat of several bodies even less often.

Diphtheria symptoms

The causative agent of diphtheria - a diphtheritic stick. Getting on mucous (or) actively emits the toxins causing necrosis of epithelial fabric for the injured surface of skin. Further toxins come to blood, and there is general intoxication of an organism.

The main symptoms of diphtheria - weakness and pallor of integuments. At survey of a pharynx, at diphtheria symptoms, it is possible to notice the grayish plaque covering the increased almonds, a throat and sidewalls of a throat. The complicated swallowing and a pharyngalgia can also become primary symptoms of diphtheria. Along with everything, there are painful cervical lymph nodes, mucous membranes of a throat and soft tissues of a neck swell. Diphtheria at children can be followed by a loss of consciousness, high temperature of a body, a fever. Also plentiful sweating, tachycardia is observed.

The more toxins allocated the activator, the area of the struck epithelium is more extensive and the general intoxication is more dangerous. The toxin which got to blood quickly gets into fabrics and can cause disturbances in cardiac performance and a nervous system.

Treatment of diphtheria

With the advent of the first symptoms of diphtheria immediate hospitalization of the patient is necessary. Success of treatment of diphtheria in many respects depends on timely administration of anti-toxic serum: the earlier it will be applied, the it is less than risk of complications and lethal outcome. PDS dose (antidiphtherial serum) is appointed by the doctor and depends on severity of diphtheria. Before administration of serum the sensitivity test to the drugs which are contained in it is, as a rule, carried out. Divorced serum in small amounts is entered to the patient into a forearm and after 30 minutes check the formed papule. If its size does not exceed admissible 10 mm, then enter other dose of serum, not divorced, but also not medical (also for test). In half an hour in the absence of reaction intramusculary enter medical serum.

The bed rest of the patient with diphtheria is set depending on a disease form. The patient's food in a hospital has to be liquid (semi-fluid) not to injure mucous a mouth and a stomatopharynx. After from mucous the plaque will disappear, the patient can be transferred to normal food. Along with it, at treatment of diphtheria, antibiotics and the disinfecting solutions for rinsing of a throat are appointed.

Prevention of diphtheria

Прививка при профилактике фифтерии

Immunization, i.e. population diphtheria inoculation was always and remains the main measure of prevention of diphtheria. Anatoxin - the same diphtheritic toxin emitted by the activator, only weakened is a part of a vaccine. Such vaccine gives immunity against the causative agent of diphtheria for 10 years.

Diphtheria inoculations have practically no contraindications that promotes prevention of the serious effects for an organism caused by this disease. First, diphtheria strikes blow in heart, having caused its serious damage and heart failure. Secondly, work of a nervous system will be broken that will lead to paralysis of a soft palate, I will swell a century and to squint. Thirdly, there can be disturbances in work of kidneys - the investigation of a toxic nephrosis. And, fourthly, pneumonia - an inflammation of pulmonary fabric with defeat of alveoluses can develop.

After a diphtheria inoculation it is possible to feel unwell, weakness, and on site injections will appear a swelling and redness. Such reaction of an organism to the weakened diphtheritic toxin is normal, besides, it is short-term. More serious side reactions, as a rule, arise seldom, 10-14 days later after introduction of a vaccine.

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