Main > Diseases> Dysplasia of a neck of uterus

Dysplasia of a neck of uterus

Дисплазия шейки матки

The dysplasia of a neck of uterus is a condition of a mucous membrane of a neck of uterus and vagina at which emergence of cells of an atypical structure is observed. Changes influence not only structure, but also normal functioning of a blanket of a neck of uterus. It is necessary to remember that the dysplasia of a neck of uterus is a precancerous state. Of course, it does not say that cancer already is or will appear literally in couple of days or weeks. It means that in case of lack of full treatment several years later after drawing of the diagnosis development of a cancer tumor is possible.

Very often the dysplasia of a neck of uterus is mistakenly called an erosion. Difference here that in the first case of change mention all cellular structure whereas mechanical injury of mucous membranes of a neck of uterus is characteristic of an erosion.

Reasons of a dysplasia of a neck of uterus

Today it is established many reasons promoting emergence of a dysplasia of a neck of uterus. Conditionally they can be divided into two groups:

- infection with the virus of papilloma of the person (VPP) of oncogenous type. This reason of a dysplasia of a neck of uterus in 90-95% of all cases is priority.

- other causes of a dysplasia of a neck of uterus which under certain circumstances can become a starting point for a course of a disease. Inflammations of female generative organs of long character, the disturbances of a hormonal background caused by pregnancy, a menopause and/or long reception of hormonal contraceptives enter 5-10% of cases of development of a dysplasia.

Risk factor is decrease in immunity as a result of stresses, chronic diseases, oversaturation of medicines, smoking and an alcohol abuse. Early sexual activity, existence of a large number of sexual partners, abortions and even numerous childbirth can be the cause of a dysplasia of a neck of uterus. It is necessary to consider also heredity if someone from blood relatives has oncological diseases of a female genital, then the probability of emergence of a dysplasia of a neck of uterus increases several times.

Symptoms and stages of a dysplasia

Симптомы дисплазии шейки матки

The disease proceeds asymptomatically, only in the started cases the woman can have a sensation of discomfort in time and after sexual intercourse, nagging pains in the bottom of a stomach and the insignificant bloody allocations from a vagina which are not connected with periods. The dysplasia of a neck of uterus depending on depth of damage of a mucous membrane is subdivided into three stages:

- easy (I degree). Atypical cells get deep into only on one third of all thickness of a mucous membrane. In 70-90% perhaps independent treatment.

- moderated (the II degree). In this case atypical cells occupy two thirds of thickness of a mucous membrane. Approximately in half of cases the disease passes independently. The dysplasia of a neck of uterus passes into the third stage at every fifth patient. At five women from the 100th the disease comes to the end with a cancer tumor.

- heavy (III stage). Defeat takes all thickness of a blanket of a neck of uterus. As well as at the second extent of defeat, in 50% perhaps absolute recovery. At the second half of patients this stage of a disease passes into cancer of a neck of uterus.

Very often the dysplasia of a neck of uterus proceeds together with gonorrhea, clamidiosis, sharp-pointed condylomas of a vagina, an anus and a vulva. Also quite often is followed by a microbic infection which is shown by symptoms of cystitis and a cervicitis (an inflammation of a neck of uterus).

At diagnosis "a dysplasia of a neck of uterus" symptoms as not having practical value, especially are not considered, emphasis is placed on laboratory, clinical and tool trials.

Treatment of a dysplasia of a neck of uterus

On the basis of the obtained data after the conducted examinations, and also considering age, a disease stage, the amount of defeat, existence of associated diseases and the general condition of the patient is defined a way of treatment of a dysplasia of a neck of uterus. Modern level of medicine allows to get rid of a disease of any stage completely.

At the first extent of defeat most often no specific treatment of a dysplasia of a neck of uterus is required, but regular observation at the specialist in the terms specified by it is desirable. The second stage of a dysplasia of a neck of uterus is successfully treated when carrying out a course of conservative treatment. Improvement of the center of an infection, the immunostimulating therapy and a course of treatment is for this purpose carried out by antiinflammatory drugs.

At inefficiency of treatment or the expressed dysplasia surgical treatment at which the changed fabrics are removed by means of various methods is recommended. Cauterization by an electric arch, the laser, radio waves, and also freezing of the centers of defeat by liquid nitrogen is widely used. In the started cases it is necessary to resort to a trachelectomy.

Treatment of a dysplasia of a neck of uterus folk remedies

For treatment of a dysplasia of a neck of uterus folk remedies as well as at any other diseases, are widely applied. But it is necessary to remember that use of methods of nonconventional therapy is not always justified, especially if in recipes it is recommended to do syringings by medicinal infusions and to insert the tampons impregnated with them. Mechanical traumatizing already injured mucous membrane can lead to an aggravation of symptoms. Besides self-treatment gives imaginary hope for recovery, and it, in turn, leads to refusal of observation at the specialist that is fraught with complications, up to development of cancer.

Лечение дисплазии шейки матки отваром сосновых почек

In addition to syringing treatment of a dysplasia of a neck of uterus folk remedies implicating reception of broths and infusions of officinal herbs inside in the form of drink that is safer method of disposal of a disease. The course of treatment makes two weeks, then the break becomes. From medicinal plants at treatment of a dysplasia of a neck of uterus folk remedies with success use a clover, a licorice, a sage, an anise, soy, a lucerne, a marjoram and hop. It is possible not only to make these herbs, but also to add to food. Besides it is necessary to reconsider the food allowance. It is desirable to increase reception of fresh fruit, tomatoes, whole grain dishes and soy products.

Regular observation at the specialist, timely treatment of the centers of an infection, ordering of sex life, observance of rules of personal hygiene and inclusion in a daily food allowance of enough vitamins and microelements will allow to avoid such terrible disease as a dysplasia of a neck of uterus.

Whether you know that:

The stomach of the person not bad copes with foreign objects and without medical intervention. It is known that the gastric juice is capable to dissolve even coins.