Main > Diseases> Dysthymia


The dysthymia represents a mental disorder with existence of sad mood, a pessimistic view on Дистимия представляет собой психическое расстройство с наличием грустного настроенияprivate life and scepticism to all positive in public life. This state less heavy, than depressive frustration, but is close and preceding it.

Reasons and symptoms of a dysthymia

Symptoms of a dysthymia are slight and bespokoynost, breakdown and bystry fatigue, melancholy, gloomy thoughts, pessimistic views and complexes are shown in the form of melancholy, depression, an acrimony.

Gradually this mental disorder leads to decrease in a self-assessment, senselessness of life, unwillingness to communicate with other people and to be in society someone. The person becomes closed, gloomy and lonely, loses social relateds and desire to be engaged in something.

The dysthymia often arises at people with disorders of the central nervous system, depressive genetic predisposition and disturbances of production of serotonin in a brain. Physiological pathologies, stresses and hormonal disturbances can be the reasons diseases.

Physical symptoms of a dysthymia are indispositions, an asthma, coordination loss, confusion of consciousness, tearfulness, drowsiness, slackness and apathy, unmotivated and spontaneous uneasiness, a lock, sleeplessness, nightmares, digestive disturbances.

At the people inclined to dejectedness, in the absence of emotional and psychological support the dysthymia develops in a persistent depression.

The dysthymia of somatic type is shown in the form of complaints to the general state of disrepair of a nervous system, arrhythmia and tachycardia, alarming attacks.

This disease strongly affects a physical condition of patients, reducing their activity, causing powerlessness and an asthenic state.

The characterologic type of a dysthymia is expressed in resistant pessimism, depressive outlook and a complex of continuous failures. This type of a disease is shown at people silent, closed, sensitive to troubles and weak concerning vital difficulties.

Medical researches established that the dysthymia can be not only a disease of people with melancholic temperament, but also the frustration connected with external factors, children's psychological injuries and genetic predisposition to depressions.

Diagnosis of a disease

В курс медикаментозного лечения дистимии входит прозакDefinition of a dysthymia requires carrying out regular clinical inspections several times within two years. For establishment of the exact diagnosis it is necessary to analyze symptoms and to conduct a statistical research of mental disorders on the basis of the following criteria:

  • decrease or increase in appetite;
  • sleeplessness and other sleep disorders;
  • fatigue and fatigue;
  • pessimism, the lowered self-assessment;
  • low working capacity;
  • isolation and detachment from the social environment.

The psychologist and the neurologist hold constant consultations with the patient and reveal existence of psychotic frustration, symptoms of a mania or hypomania, the mixed psychological states.

Treatment of a dysthymia

Treatment of a dysthymia needs to be begun with establishment of the reasons and symptoms of a disease, and also with definition of a physical condition of the patient. The course of drug treatment includes antidepressants (Prozac, tsipramit, etc.) and monoamine oxidase.

The most effective treatment of a dysthymia is followed by family and interpersonal psychological therapy. Also cognitive therapy will allow to raise a self-assessment and to improve the general emotional condition of the patient.

Individual therapy can alternate with the group psychological occupations allowing to improve interpersonal communication of patients, to fix their situation in the social environment and to increase the personal importance.


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