Main > Diseases> Diverticulitis


The diverticulitis is an inflammatory process of one or several gryzhevidny protrusions of walls of a large or small intestine, so-called the diverticulum arising against the background of an infection.Дивертикулит - воспаление дивертикул

Diverticulums form in development of the child vnutriutrobno or are formed for various reasons during life, is more often at elderly people. At a delay in diverticulums of the remains of food the fecal stones provoking bacterial infections and on their background a diverticulitis are developed. The inflammation is limited to one diverticulum or can be thrown on nearby fabrics and bodies, interintestinal abscess, peritonitis or retroperitoneal phlegmon can turn out to be consequence of what.

Diverticulitis: symptoms

In typical cases symptoms of a diverticulitis are shown as follows:

  • The increased body temperature, fever;
  • Chronic dull ache in the left lower part of a stomach or in suprapubic area;
  • Abdominal distention, locks or the complicated defecation;
  • Constant feeling of nausea, vomiting.

The experienced doctor-surgeon can suspect existence at the patient of a diverticulitis at primary survey, having listened to complaints of the patient and having carried out a stomach palpation. In certain cases symptoms of a diverticulitis can be taken for a clinical picture of appendicitis therefore it is necessary to make a survey x-ray film, ultrasonography of an abdominal cavity or the computer tomogram. After removal of acute inflammatory process it is necessary to carry out an irrigoskopiya or a kolonoskopiya.

Intestines diverticulitis

The large intestine most often is the place of localization of diverticulums that provokes emergence of a diverticulitis of intestines. This disease preferential at advanced and senile age develops. In the countries with developed economy life expectancy considerably grew, as a result, the group subject to risk of a diverticulitis of intestines increased up to 30% of all population. Essential value in mass spread of a disease plays considerable depletion of a daily diet vegetable fibers and rough cellulose. The lack of these components of food leads to formation of locks, amassment in a large intestine of fecal masses that, in turn, increases risk of emergence of a diverticulitis of intestines.

Diverticulitis: treatment

Depending on complexity of a disease, treatment of a diverticulitis can be carried out by the following methods:

  • Medicinal therapy;
  • Surgical intervention.

The easy diverticulitis is treated at home, reception of antibiotics is appointed, rest and the special diet consisting preferential of liquid dishes is recommended. In several days of such treatment usually symptoms disappear. Further it is necessary to follow strictly appointments and recommendations of the attending physician, in order to avoid a recurrence.

In case of a complication with strong indications of infectious process hospitalization is necessary. The patient appoint introduction of antibiotics and liquid intravenously, and prohibit to eat with a high bed rest before improvement of a state and removal of painful symptoms.

If the abdominal pain and temperature increase accrue, the doctor can make the decision on need of an operative measure. Operation is required about 20% by suffering diverticulitis as other methods of treatment do not yeild tangible results. In certain cases, if there is a big risk of development of heavy complications, operation recommend to perform in the preventive purposes.Диета - обязательное условие лечения дивертикулита

The immediate surgery is required to patients with peritonitis, an intestines perforation, massive bleeding. The purpose of such operation - removal of the struck department of a small or large intestine as diverticulitis source.

Diverticulitis: diet

At an uncomplicated diverticulitis the diet has to contain products with high content of a cellulose which will reduce the time spent of food in intestines, will accelerate process of its removal and will promote clarification of an organism. It is necessary to include in a diet:

  • Whole-grain bread and bran;
  • Cabbage, carrots, broccoli, cauliflower;
  • Apples, grapefruit.

It is necessary to exclude from a diet:

  • The products provoking swelling: grapes, water-melon, all types of bean;
  • Products with the content of very rough cellulose: garden radish, pineapples, persimmon;
  • The products capable to be late in diverticulums: seeds, grains, nuts.

At a recurrent or acute diverticulitis the diet consists only of liquid food:

  • The wiped soups;
  • Dried fruits compote;
  • Broths of medicative herbs;
  • Various kissels;
  • Tea.

Anyway in the presence of symptoms of a diverticulitis it is necessary to see a doctor immediately.

Whether you know that:

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