Main > Diseases> Erosion of a neck of uterus

Erosion of a neck of uterus

Эрозия шейки маткиErosion of a neck of uterus is called the defect of a cover epithelium of a mucous membrane of a neck of uterus breaking its integrity and by that reducing protective properties of a mucous membrane. The erosion of a neck of uterus belongs to the most frequent gynecologic diseases, can occur at women at any age, but most often at the age of 30-40 years.

Distinguish an erosion of a neck of uterus and an ectopia of a neck of uterus, a so-called psevodoeroziya. The ectopia occurs often at women of young age, up to 25 years, has external similarity to an erosion of a neck of uterus, but at the same time the blanket of cells is not broken, and is only altered. Unlike an original erosion of a neck of uterus, the ectopia is not a disease, but only development option, and, as a rule, does not demand treatment.

Reasons of an erosion of a neck of uterus

Inflammatory process of an infectious origin is the main reason for an erosion of a neck of uterus. Desquamation (the increased exfoliating) of a superficial epithelium of a neck of uterus the microorganisms relating to an urogenital infection (UGI) – ureaplasmas can cause, mycoplasmas, trichomonads, chlamydias, a virus of genital herpes, etc.

In certain cases disturbances of endocrine system, especially functions of glands which are responsible for production of sex hormones can be the cause of an erosion of a neck of uterus.

As necessary condition for emergence of an erosion of a neck of uterus serves decrease local, and in certain cases and the general immunity. Such decrease in immunity is noted when the woman leads an unhealthy life, frequent and chaotic change of sexual partners has especially harmful influence. Thus, the wrong way of life is one more, besides very frequent reason of an erosion of a neck of uterus.

Symptoms of an erosion of a neck of uterus

Симптомы эрозии шейки маткиVery often symptoms of an erosion of a neck of uterus are absent, or so are not expressed that the woman can not notice them for a long time. The most frequent symptom of an erosion of a neck of uterus emergence serves grow white – pathological allocations from a vagina, however their quantity is not too considerable and can not draw attention. As destruction of a superficial epithelial layer affects also superficially lying vessels of a microcircular bed, frequent the first symptom of an erosion of a neck of uterus which attracts attention, the bloody vulval allocations appearing after sexual intercourse are. It results from a mechanical microtrauma of the vessels destroyed by an erosion.

In certain cases symptoms of an erosion of a neck of uterus can be absent, and then the disease is found during routine inspection or the address to the doctor in other occasion.

Diagnosis of an erosion of a neck of uterus

The neck of uterus is available to direct medical examination therefore the diagnosis of an erosion of a neck of uterus can be made after usual gynecologic survey by means of vaginal speculums. More careful examination is conducted by a kolposkopiya method – survey of a vagina and a neck of uterus using a kolposkop that gives more detailed picture at the expense of a possibility of increase in the field of the review. For specification of the diagnosis of an erosion of a neck of uterus carry out coloring of affected areas by Lugol solution (iodine solution in glycerin). At the same time healthy fabric is painted by solution, and the erozirovanny surface is not.

During diagnosis of an erosion of a neck of uterus by all means take scraping from an erosion spot for carrying out a biopsy – a cytologic research, for the purpose of definition of character of the cells which are contained in an erosion. It is necessary for differential diagnosis of an erosion of a neck of uterus with precancerous damages of a neck of uterus and a malignant tumor.

Treatment of an erosion of a neck of uterus

Treatment of an erosion of a neck of uterus can be medicamentous and surgical. The surgical treatment of an erosion of a neck of uterus applied now consists in impact on an affected area by means of laser, radio wave surgery or a cryolysis. These are painless and anemic methods of treatment of an erosion of a neck of uterus which yield excellent result and have practically no complications. Laser and radio wave surgery have also that advantage that their impact is made by the stimulating effect on an angenesis.

The diathermocoagulation method which is earlier used as treatment of an erosion of a neck of uterus is not applied because of morbidity now and what leads to formation of cicatricial fabric which interferes afterwards with disclosure of a neck of uterus in labor. The method of chemical destruction of an erosion is also not applied now because of the insufficient accuracy of influence and risk of damage of healthy fabrics.

Drug treatment of an erosion of a neck of uterus consists in use of the antiinflammatory drugs directed to elimination of an urogenital infection fortifying and immunoexcitants. At detection of endocrine pathology carry out its correction by synthetic hormonal drugs, analogs of female sex hormones. For this purpose use the contraceptive hormonal drugs of the last generation deprived of the majority of side effects. Good results are shown by physiotherapeutic treatment of an erosion of a neck of uterus. Means of physical therapy (magnetotherapy, Ural federal district, UVCh. The microwave oven, laser therapy, etc.) rendering the considerable antiinflammatory and stimulating healing impact on the fabric damaged by an erosion is possible.

Treatment of an erosion of a neck of uterus folk remedies

Лечебная мазь при эрозии шейки маткиAt treatment of an erosion of a neck of uterus folk remedies can be used rather widely and make effective medical impact. As a rule, folk remedies influence an erosion of a neck of uterus locally. Broths and infusions of the officinal herbs possessing antiinflammatory influence are applied to syringings and trays. These are such plants as an acorus, a camomile pharmaceutical, a sage, a train, oak bark, a St. John's Wort, coltsfoot, a plantain. In a phase of healing use of the oils containing carotene is effective. Oils are used as impregnation for vulval pads. For this purpose for treatment of an erosion of a neck of uterus use oil of pumpkin, a sea-buckthorn, a dogrose.

At an erosion of a neck of uterus folk remedies can be used also as soft fortifying drugs. Such action tinctures of a purple cone-flower purple, a ginseng, a gold mustache, propolis possess. To the general strengthening of an organism also with success apply honey and other products of beekeeping in the absence of an allergy to them.

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