Main > Drugs> Fenoksimetilpenitsillin


Fenoksimetilpenitsillin – an antibiotic of group of synthetic penicillin.Феноксиметилпенициллин в дозировке 250 мг

Pharmacological action of Fenoksimetilpenitsillin

Fenoksimetilpenitsillin – kisloustoychivy drug which works bakteritsidno. Reduces efficiency of contraceptives, increases risk of development of bleedings.

The mechanism of action of Fenoksimetilpenitsillin consists in reduction in the rate of formation of cellular covers of bacteria by suppression of intestinal microflora and reduction of formation of vitamin K.

Release form

Fenoksimetilpenitsillin is issued in three types: tablets, powder for suspension preparation, in the form of syrup.

Indications to use

Drug affects microorganisms, and diseases, sensitive to Fenoksimetilpenitsillin, which can be caused by them, such as: scarlet fever, pneumonia, bronchitis, tetanus, quinsy, infection of soft tissues, botulism, gonorrhea, syphilis, malignant anthrax.

According to the instruction to Fenoksimetilpenitsillin it can be used as prophylactic of bacterial infections after surgical intervention, at the outbreaks of scarlet fever, a diphtheritic carriage.

Route of administration

Fenoksimetilpenitsillin is accepted by the patient inside in 30-50 minutes prior to food. For patients of 12 years which reached age the single dose fluctuates ranging from 250 to 1000 mg, in days 500-1000 mg are most admissible. Correction of a dose depending on age and weight is necessary for children. According to Fenoksimetilpenitsillin's instruction such ratio makes 15-35 mg/kg. Also it is worth noticing that administration of drug in the form of solution is preferable to children.Феноксиметилпенициллин в дозировке 100 мг

Usually duration of treatment makes from one to two weeks and more.

Side effects of Fenoksimetilpenitsillin

Fenoksimetilpenitsillin can cause various allergic reactions, for example, urticaria, rhinitis, konjyuktivit, disorders of digestive organs (a liquid chair, nausea, vomiting) or pharyngitis which is caused by effect of drug on a mucous membrane of the patient. In case of side effects on drug it is necessary to stop its reception immediately.

Contraindications to Fenoksimetilpenitsillin's use

Fenoksimetilpenitsillin it is not necessary to accept in case of hypersensitivity to penicillin, cephalosporins, karbapenema if the patient is sick with aphthous stomatitis, pharyngitis, gastrointestinal diseases.

Also there are comments on Fenoksimetilpenitsillin who at prolonged or repeated use, can cause development of superinfections which can develop from steady against drug Fenoksimetilpenitsillin of bacteria and mushrooms.

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