Main > Diseases> Fibroma


Short characteristic of a disease

Фиброма кожи

Fibroma is a tumor which consists of connecting fibrous fabric. Usually fibroma is a high-quality firm, dense formation of a spherical or oval shape.

The tumor slowly grows, but can reach very big sizes and is formed generally in cellulose hypodermic, on skin and mucous.

Reasons of emergence of fibroma

Fibroma can develop owing to the genovariations which were traumatized as a hereditary disease, because of increase in amount of progesterone, estrogen or use of the drugs promoting growth of fabrics.

Fibroma symptoms

Tumors are formed on different body parts of the person therefore also symptomatology at them different.

The most widespread and often meeting in medical practice – fibroma of a uterus, mammary gland, skin fibroma, bottom fibroma.

Fibroma of a uterus proceeds in most cases without serious consequences that is a serious obstacle for its early detection. Independently it is impossible to define emergence of an outgrowth on uterus walls therefore for many women the first symptom and an occasion to undergo inspection is emergence of uterine bleedings, long periods, pains at sexual intercourse, in buttocks, a back, a waist. Also there can be pressure sense on a bladder (the urination becomes frequent) and in pelvic area.

Fibroma of skin is a tumoral education in hypodermic cellulose and a derma. Formation of usually corporal color, happens soft and firm, sometimes fastens on a leg.

Fibroma of a mammary gland is a spherical consolidation on a breast which does not cause painful feelings at a palpation, but can be the cause of feeling of a raspiraniye in a breast during the premenstrual period.

The bottom tumor is painful and is shown by pain at circulation or long standing.

Diagnosis of fibroma

Diagnosing of fibroma takes place differently.

Survey at the gynecologist, the mammologist, ultrasonic inspection is necessary for definition of fibroma of a uterus and a mammary gland.

For diagnosing of fibroma of skin and other types of an outside tumor it is enough to have visual examination at the doctor.

In addition after removal of fibroma conduct a histologic or cytologic research of a fragment of a tumor for an exception of its zlokachestvennost and confirmation of the initial diagnosis.

Treatment of fibroma

Treatment of fibroma of a uterus is carried out, generally by four methods:

  • Operative measure at which removal of fibroma or a uterus is carried out;
  • The myomectomy is gisteroskopichessky. Such removal of fibroma is carried out only to 20% of cases. The hysteroscope into a cavity of the uterus enters special tools with which delete a tumor;
  • Embolization. By means of substance which is entered into an artery fibroma separates from blood supply, loses feed and decreases.
  • Drug treatment. To patients with a tumor which did not reach the big sizes appoint medicines (not steroids, hormones, contraceptive tablets) promoting its rassasyvaniye.

Фиброма кожи после удаленияTreatment of the fibroma which arose on skin is carried out by removal – radio wave, laser and surgical removal.

Also, if fibroma of skin of the small sizes, it can be removed by means of the procedure of diathermocoagulation or by cauterization with carbonic snow acid.

If skin fibroma on a leg, it can be cut with scissors or to tie up a thread (a national method of treatment).

Other types of fibromas treat generally her removal: laser, by a classical surgical method, in a radio wave way.

Prevention of fibroma

Prevention of fibroma is a healthy lifestyle, an exception of the increased injury, use of hormonal drugs (including contraceptives) only under control of the doctor.

As to prevent influence of a hereditary factor and genovariations it is almost impossible, in order to avoid complications it is not necessary to neglect planned surveys at the gynecologist, the mammologist and surveys at general practitioners at emergence of suspicious educations on skin.

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