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Phlegmon represents an inflammatory purulent disease of a fatty tissue. The name of a disease comes from the Greek word flegmone which in transfer literally designates – an inflammation, heat. Phlegmon can be formed practically in any place of an organism. Characteristic of phlegmon is its localization in a fatty tissue. In any corner of a human body where there are lipoblasts, there is a risk of developing of phlegmon at confluence of adverse circumstances.

The type of localization of phlegmon can be widespread or limited. At a reduced immune response of an organism and at the progressing phlegmon type the purulent inflammation has no clear boundary. The cavities filled with pus quickly occupy considerable areas of hypodermic cellulose, in some cases forming nekrotizirovanny sites.

Types of phlegmon

Specialists subdivide phlegmons on primary and secondary.

At direct penetration of disease-producing microbes into a circulatory bed through the damaged skin surface primary phlegmons are formed. Secondary phlegmons arise when inflammatory process gains distribution from already available chronic centers of an infection (for example, pleurisy, osteomyelites, etc.).

There is a big list of the phlegmons classified by the place of localization as the disease as it was already told above, can arise absolutely in any place where there is a subcutaneous fat (intermuscular, pararenal, hypodermic etc.).

1. Neck phlegmon

Abscesses and phlegmons of a neck belong to the category of diseases which course is unpredictable, and effects can be the heaviest and even life-threatening the patient. In most cases a source of a disease-producing infection at phlegmon of a neck are inflammatory processes in oral cavities and throats – pharyngitises, laryngitis, chronic caries of teeth, etc. of a disease.

Superficial abscesses and phlegmons of a neck most often arise over a deep cervical fascia and therefore they do not constitute special danger as are easily accessible for operational opening. The majority of phlegmons of a neck are localized in mental and submaxillary areas. A clinical picture at this type of phlegmons following: the general temperature increases to 39 degrees Celsius, the patient feels the most severe headaches, the general weakness and an indisposition. Laboratory blood test demonstrates the increased maintenance of leukocytes. In case of lack of timely treatment phlegmon progresses, and the inflammation extends to large veins of front area, there is also a risk of developing of purulent meningitis.

2. Brush phlegmon

The disease of phlegmon of a brush is localized in deep hypodermic spaces of a brush, the inflammatory phenomena are caused by hit of a pyogenic infection through wounds, cuts and scratches – streptococci, or stafilokokka.

Specialists allocate the following subspecies of phlegmon of a brush:

- on a thumb eminence;

- median palmar area;

- Вскрытие и чистка гнойного очага - лечение флегмоныphlegmon in the form of a cuff link.

The purulent inflammation can be formed on any place of hand space with further distribution on the brush back. The patient feels severe pain with a pulsation, considerable puffiness of fabrics and sharp morbidity at a palpation is observed. Treatment of phlegmon of a brush consists in surgical opening of a suppurative focus, cleaning out of its contents and drainage of a cavity of a wound. After operation to the patient antibacterial therapy using drugs, as a rule, of a tsefalosporinovy row is appointed.

3. Phlegmon of the person

One more heavy subspecies of a disease is phlegmon of the person. Favourite places of localization of this type of phlegmons in most cases are located about jaws, in temporal area, under masseters etc.

At phlegmon of the person increase in the general body temperature to extreme marks is observed (40 degrees Celsius and above), tachycardia, the place is noted strong puffiness of fabrics, disturbance of deglutitory and chewing functions. Laboratory blood test shows significant increase in number of leukocytes.

Patients with suspicion of phlegmon of the person have to be immediately hospitalized in specialized medical institution (dental surgical department). In the absence of treatment of phlegmon of the person forecasts – always extremely adverse.

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