Main > Diseases> Hemarthrosis


Short characteristic of a disease

Гемартроз коленного сустава

The hemarthrosis is one of the most frequent and the most specific displays of hemophilia which consists in hemorrhage in joints. The first symptoms of a disease usually prove aged from 1 year up to 3 years, and then accompany the person for the rest of the life, causing intolerable pains. As a rule, the hemarthrosis of a knee joint is diagnosed for patients, however, hemorrhages are possible also in elbow, ankle, shoulder and hip joints. Various injuries, intra joint damages, bruises are a cause of illness.

Hemarthrosis – symptoms and a clinical picture of a disease

The most part of adverse changes at a hemarthrosis is connected with increase in intra joint pressure and disturbance of normal blood circulation. As the result, the breaking-up blood cells begin to influence surrounding fabrics which gain properties, alien for an organism, and the characteristic over time. This process leads to change of a smooth cartilage, and further a hemarthrosis which treatment was not carried out or carried out incorrectly, can cause final fracture of a joint.

Characteristic signs of a hemarthrosis are hypostasis and a swelling in a joint, a pain syndrome, limitation of mobility. The last is connected with formation of cicatricial fabric which collects in space of a joint and causes irreversible changes.

Hemarthrosis of a knee joint – treatment of a disease

At once we will notice that at the first adverse symptoms you have to see a doctor immediately. Timely made diagnosis will save you from a set of problems and will minimize probability of emergence of heavy complications and a full immovability of a joint. Treatment of a hemarthrosis means performing replacement therapy. In most cases one-time administration of drug is capable to eliminate practically all sudden bleedings.

Лечение Гемартроза коленного сустава

The started hemarthrosis which treatment for any reasons was appointed too late demands carrying out reconstructive and recovery orthodontics - the operation directed to recovery of mobility of a joint. For this purpose the most different techniques can be used. In particular, the hemarthrosis of a knee joint recovers by means of removal of blood and the subsequent introduction to a joint of Kenalogum or a hydrocortisone. It, by the way, at the same time and the safest way of treatment, but surgery has to be carried out right after the first hemorrhage that guarantees to 100% recovery of mobility of a joint and preservation of his health for many years.

One more perspective method of treatment of hemorrhages is an endoprosthesis replacement. In this case physicians replace own joint of the person with an artificial prosthesis which is made of alloy of teflon and titanium. Thus it is possible to treat a hemarthrosis of any weight. The most important that the prosthesis is not torn away by an organism as is made of neutral materials.

For the prevention of emergence of bleedings the drugs increasing coagulability of blood are used. They are appointed at severe injuries and bruises of joints, but the best way to avoid a hemarthrosis still is respect for elementary care at sports activities.

If you do not trust styptic drugs, then treatment of a hemarthrosis of a knee joint can be carried out by means of folk remedies. In most cases homeopathists recommend to accept infusions and broths of various herbs – a marjoram, a yarrow, a nettle and a lagokhilus.

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The liver is the heaviest body in our body. Its average weight makes 1,5 kg.