Main > Diseases> Hemorrhagic diathesis

Hemorrhagic diathesis

Геморрагический диатез

Short characteristic of a disease

Hemorrhagic diathesis represents themselves group of diseases which are characterized by the increased tendency of an organism to bleedings and hemorrhages.

Hemorrhagic diathesis has various etiology and mechanisms of development.

Types of hemorrhagic diathesis

Hemorrhagic diathesis can arise as an independent disease, and also to develop at other diseases. In this case speak about secondary hemorrhagic diathesis.

Also distinguish:

- inborn or hereditary hemorrhagic diathesis. Hereditary hemorrhagic diathesis at children is shown and accompanies the person throughout all life. Are characteristic of such diseases as a hemorrhagic teleangiectasia, various hemophilias, Glantsman's disease, a trombotsitopatiya at children, etc.

- the acquired hemorrhagic diathesis at children and adults is display of the diseases connected with coagulability of blood and a condition of a vascular wall. The hemorrhagic purpura, a hereditary and dezagregatsionny trombotsitopatiya, a hemorrhagic vasculitis, defeat of vessels at liver diseases, poisonings with drugs, infections concern to them.

Types of hemorrhagic diathesis

Depending on the reasons and the mechanism of development distinguish the following types (groups) of diathesis:

- diathesis which is caused by disturbance of a platelet hemostasis. Treat this group a trombotsitopatiya and thrombocytopenia. Also can arise at immunity disturbance, diseases of kidneys and a liver, viral infections, under the influence of chemotherapy and high doses of radiation.

- diathesis which arises owing to disturbance of coagulability of blood. Carry such diseases to this group as hemophilia And, In, With, a fibrinolitic purpura, etc. This diathesis can arise owing to reception of anticoagulants or fibrinolitik.

- the diathesis caused by disturbance of an integrity of a vascular wall. Carry avitaminosis to them With, a hemorrhagic vasculitis, a hemorrhagic teleangiectasia and other diseases.

- the diathesis arising owing to both platelet a hemostasis and disturbances of coagulability of blood. Carry an angiohemophilia, a trombogemorragichesky syndrome to this group. Such diathesis can arise at a radial illness, hemoblastoses and other diseases.

Bleeding types at hemorrhagic diathesis

Allocate five types of bleeding.

The Gematomny type of bleeding - is usually observed at hemophilia, at the same time existence of big hematomas, hemorrhages in joints, bleeding after operations is noted.

The capillary type of bleeding - is characteristic of thrombocytopenia, a hereditary and dezagregatsionny trombotsitopatiya. At such type of bleeding small hemorrhages in the form of petechias or ecchymomas, in also bleedings from a nose, gums, uterine and gastric bleedings are noted.

The mixed type - is characterized by existence of hematomas and a small spotty enanthesis. It is observed at reception of a large amount of anticoagulants and a trombogemorragichesky syndrome.

The purple type – is characterized by small symmetric rashes on the lower extremities. Such type of bleeding is shown at hemorrhagic vasculites.

The microangiomatous type of bleeding – is characterized by the repeating bleedings. Arises at inherited disorders of development of small vessels.

Symptoms of hemorrhagic diathesis

The main symptom of a disease is existence on a body of various rashes, character and which localization depend on a look and type of a disease. Bleedings and hemorrhages, extensive hematomas are possible. At a severe form of a disease of a rash pass into ulcers. Abdominal pains, nausea and vomiting with blood impurity can disturb.

Diagnosis of hemorrhagic diathesis

Diagnosis of a disease consists in definition of the reason of hemorrhages. For this purpose appoint the general blood tests and urine, and also biochemistry, a koagulogramma (the analysis to coagulability definition), the analysis on determination of content of microelements in blood serum. Also define the general time of coagulability of blood, concentration of a prothrombin, carry out prothrombin and thrombin tests. For diagnosis of a disease use immunoassays, and also other analyses which will be appointed by the doctor.

Treatment of hemorrhagic diathesis

При авитаминозе С, повлиявшем на развитие геморрагического диатеза, назначают аскорбиновую кислотуTreatment depends on a look and type of diathesis, and also on bleeding mechanism.

If such diseases as a vasculitis and a Werlhof's disease take place, then apply treatment by corticosteroid drugs, At avitaminosis With appoint ascorbic acid, vitamin of Rr, routines. If the patient is disturbed by the plentiful and often repeating bleedings, surgical intervention with removal of a spleen is shown. At hemophilia apply hemotransfusion or plasmas. Development of anemia assumes purpose of iron preparations, observance of a diet.

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