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Herpetic stomatitis

Herpetic stomatitis is the disease of a virus etiology caused by an eurysynusic herpes simplex virus in the nature.

Герпетический стоматит - заболевание вирусной этиологииOnce having got to an organism, the herpes simplex virus often does not give the presence in any way, however the activator can prove against the background of the weakened immunity, disturbances of endocrine system, emotional stresses, overheating, overcooling, injuries of a mucous membrane of a mouth, and also many other factors.

Primary infection happens in the airborne or household way therefore at the person (most often at children from 1 to 3 years) acute herpetic stomatitis which in the absence of system treatment can easily pass into a chronic form begins to develop.

Unlike children, developing of herpetic stomatitis at adults happens much less often, however its current is characterized by special weight, being aggravated with existence in a mouth of carious teeth, smoking, traumatizing a mucous membrane of an oral cavity too spicy or hot food, increase in gingival pockets, etc.

Acute herpetic stomatitis: symptoms, forms

The disease begins with deterioration in the general condition of an organism, being followed by weakness, temperature increase, drowsiness, a loss of appetite. Herpetic stomatitis at children of infantile age is shown by "causeless" whims, the crying strengthened by salivation with an unnatural smell, refusal of food. Children of more advanced age complain of nausea, a headache, a burning sensation in a mouth.

As at this stage of herpetic stomatitis of the expressed manifestations on a mucous membrane there is no oral cavity, during this period of a disease by otolaryngologists the wrong diagnosis - quinsy or a SARS can be made.

Further in a mouth on gums, lips, a dorsum of cheeks infection focuses in the form of reddening, swellings, swellings, on site which the person feels an itch, burning and pain begin to appear. In 1-2 days on these places characteristic bubbles are formed: one, two or several (no more than six) elements. In 3-4 days bubbles grow ripe, burst and formed in the small drying-up and gradually epithelized ulcers. It is an easy form of herpetic stomatitis which quickly recovers and does not constitute special danger to health of the patient.

The medium-weight form of acute herpetic stomatitis is characterized by the expressed intoxication symptoms, at the same time submaxillary lymph nodes increase and become painful. At peak of a hyperemia and high temperature of a body (to 38-39 degrees) on skin of oral area or in an oral cavity emergence of plentiful bubble rashes is observed (of 10-25), and under unfavorable conditions of treatment there is their merge and the subsequent ulceration.

The severe form of a disease occurs quite seldom and, most often, at people of advanced age. In prodromal (the beginner proceeding before emergence of clinical signs) the period of herpetic stomatitis at adults all symptoms of an acute infectious disease are observed: headache, apathy, adynamia, arthralgia, musculocutaneous hyperesthesia. Conjunctivas of eyes can be slightly edematous and hyperemic. In 1-2 days in a mouth, a century, on skin near an oral cavity, on lobes of ears, fingers of hands, conjunctivas of eyes there are typical herpetic bubbles. At the height of a disease their quantity can reach 100 pieces. Elements merge, forming extensive sites of a necrosis of a mucous membrane. During this period are noted a putrefactive smell from a mouth, plentiful salivation, it is frequent with blood impurity. If this state arose at children, herpetic stomatitis in a severe form is subject to treatment in the conditions of a hospital in the isolation center of infectious diseases hospital.

Herpetic stomatitis: diagnosis and researches

The diagnosis Герпетический стоматит у детей проявляется ощущением жжения во ртуof acute herpetic stomatitis is confirmed by a cytomorphological research of smears from a mucous membrane of a mouth. Also by means of washouts from a mucous membrane presence of virusospetsifichesky nucleotide followers of a virus of a herpes simplex is defined.

To the children having herpetic stomatitis additional researches as the virus of herpes is in the habit to be shown against the background of easing of the general and local immunity of an organism are appointed. Level of immunoglobulins, the maintenance of a lysozyme in saliva, and also a condition of local immunity of a mucous membrane of a mouth are for this purpose studied.

Treatment of herpetic stomatitis

Treatment of herpetic stomatitis, regardless of age of the patient, is performed by elimination of painful symptoms of stomatitis in combination with anti-virus therapy.

Distinguish the general and local types of medicamentous intervention at herpetic stomatitis. Treat the general:

  • The antiviral means appointed in the first 5-7 days of a disease (виролекс, an acyclovir, фамцикловир, бонафтон) according to instructions of the doctor;
  • Febrifugal and analgeziruyushchy means;
  • Antihistaminic drugs (tavegil, кларитин, Suprastinum, Phencarolum);
  • Vitamin therapy (ascorbic acid);
  • The drugs intended for correction of immune system (Natrium nucleinicum, имудон).

As topical treatment of herpetic stomatitis are appointed:

  • Anesthetics (lotions and applications of solutions of Pyromecainum, Trimecainum, lidocaine);
  • Antiseptic agents for processing of an oral cavity as weak solutions of Furacilin, potassium permanganate;
  • Fermental drugs for clarification of erosion from necrotic fabrics;
  • Antiviral means in the form of ointments and applications;
  • The epithelizing means (oils of a sea-buckthorn, a dogrose, vitamin A Solutio oleosa, solkoserit);
  • Anti-inflammatory and antibacterial agents;
  • Aniline dyes (solution of diamond green) for processing of elements of defeat on skin.

Will help to accelerate recovery at herpetic stomatitis plentiful drink, reception of a polyvitaminic complex, the wiped, not irritating mucous membranes food, and also refusal of addictions.

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