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Gymnastics chi kung

The Chinese gymnastics a chi kung – one of the most ancient recreational techniques directed to recovery of human health and finding by it of longevity and wellbeing. Practice uses improvement methods, is economical collected and given to the descendants more than 7 thousand years ago by wise men from China, combining both the curing exercises, and respiratory gymnastics.

Основы гимнастики цигун

In representation of the Chinese philosophy the whole world in which we live is filled with Qi's energy. It is present everywhere: in air, in trees, in buildings and, of course, in the person. In a human body of Qi moves on so-called meridians and collects in даньтанях - the power centers of a body. A problem of gymnastics a chi kung - normalization of a flow of Qi in a human body, strengthening of its circulation and filling by energy of three dantany, located in a zone of the head, breast and abdominal cavity, on the basis of the natural mechanism of the self-recovery dozing in a body of the person.

Exercises of gymnastics chi kung

Gymnastics basis a chi kung physical exercises in combination with respiratory gymnastics make, music, carried out under harmonious, smooth, pleasant for listening.

The Chinese gymnastics a chi kung is directed to harmonization of a human body at three levels: physical, emotional and intellectual. It carries out activation of physiological functions of a body, promotes clarification of blood vessels, increase in production of sex hormones, increase in immunity, normalization of a metabolism.

Exercises of gymnastics a chi kung revive the vital strength of the person, and also slow down processes of aging of an organism. They include:

  • The actions for forced tension and relaxation of a body promoting concentration of an internal energy;
  • Exercises on deduction of a trunk in a certain situation (promote strengthening of the muscles involved in this process);
  • Pandiculations for increase in elasticity of muscles, increase in their tone;
  • Exercises on an extension;
  • Visa in various provisions (for prepared).

Respiratory gymnastics chi kung

According to masters a chi kung, many of us breathe incorrectly, using less than a third of volume of the lungs. The respiratory gymnastics a chi kung expands possibilities of respiratory system, providing constant exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide, improving blood circulation, promoting maintenance of physical shape, quiet and clear thinking. Gymnastic exercises a chi kung assume an obligatory combination of physical actions to deep breath by "stomach" (breath by a diaphragm).

At breath by a diaphragm the thorax remains motionless: at a breath the stomach is pushed forward (it is filled with air), at an exhalation is pulled in back. The head at the same time stands up straight, the neck and a backbone form a straight line. Depending on type of exercises the chi kung is distinguished:

  • "Fire breath". Rhythmical diaphragmal respiration at which the exhalation is carried out due to sharp retraction of a stomach (a breath - passive, exhaled - active). The chi kung is applied in dynamic exercises;
  • Deep slow breath where both the breath, and an exhalation are equal on intensity. It is used in static exercises and has the cleaning and running-down action.

Main aspects of respiratory gymnastics chi kung:

  • Deep breath by "stomach";
  • Breath only through a nose (if other is not stipulated especially);
  • The correct position of a body (the straightened upper part of a trunk).

Gymnastics a chi kung for a backbone

The complex of the Chinese gymnastics a chi kung consists of the special exercises working with a backbone and the power zones located in it. The gymnastics a chi kung for a backbone is available to all: she does not demand special physical training and can be carried out even by the weakened people.

Recommendations about performance of medical exercises of gymnastics chi kung:

  • Exercises need to be carried out slowly, smoothly, without breakthroughs;
  • It is necessary to repeat each of tasks 8-10 times;
  • It is dense to press a waist and a back to a floor.

In order that following exercises of gymnastics a chi kung were effective, each of them needs to be carried out in the strict sequence.

  • - costing a starting position. We incline a back, pressing at the same time a chin to jugular cutting, we continue to be bent slowly and smoothly;
  • - costing a starting position. We part hands at the level of shoulders. We make turn by a shoulder in one party, without affecting a backbone, then slowly we repeat the movement on other party. Exercise is similar to an elemental motion in belly dance;
  • - costing a starting position, with the raised hands. Slowly we bend down forward at an angle 90 degrees. We fix a body in this pose for 5-10 seconds;
  • - costing a starting position. We straighten hands at the level of shoulders forward. We try to reach hands a floor and to return to a starting position;
  • - costing a starting position. We bend one leg in a knee and we tighten up, it is possible holding with a hand. In several seconds to replace a leg;
  • - costing a starting position, hands at the level of shoulders are extended in the parties. A move we raise a leg, trying to reach a hand a sock. We change a leg.

Gymnastics basis the chi kung for a backbone makes correct "breath by a stomach" - otherwise the chi kung turns into ordinary aerobics.

Упражнения гимнастики цигун

Gymnastics a chi kung for weight loss

Approach of gymnastics a chi kung for disposal of excess weight differs from the western techniques radically: aerobics, fitness, run. The Chinese medicine does not consider forced burning of calories, as well as restriction of their receipt together with food (diet), concepts of a healthy lifestyle.

The gymnastics basis a chi kung for weight loss is made by three exercises:

  • Frog. Sit down on a chair, having placed legs at shoulder length at right angle. Squeeze fingers of the left hand in a fist, having clasped it with the right hand. Incline a trunk forward, having put elbows on knees. Hang the head on hands and relax stomach muscles. You breathe deep breath, straining a stomach so that it was inflated as if a ball. Exercise, well reduces appetite;
  • Wave. Lay down on a back and bend legs in knees at right angle, having pressed feet to a floor. Put one hand on a stomach, another - on a breast. On a breath pull in a breast and inflate a stomach. Repeat exercise of 20-30 times. It is recommended to carry out only when you starve to death;
  • Lotus. The exercise stimulating a metabolism. Sit down in a pose of "lotus", cover eyes. Within five minutes alternate equal deep breaths to similar exhalations. Your state has to remind immersion in a dream. Exercise duration - 10-15 minutes.

According to the Chinese doctors, the problem of excess weight is put in an imbalance organism yin yang: having recovered harmony of flows of Qi in own body, the person can eat without strict restrictions, keeping at the same time a slim figure.

Whether you know that:

According to WHO researches the daily half-hour conversation by the mobile phone increases probability of development of a tumor of a brain by 40%.