Main > Diseases> Overhydratation


Overhydratation – the excess volume of water which is contained in an organism or in its separate parts, a special form of disturbance of water-salt balance of an organism. Clinical displays of an overhydratation are hypostases of body tissues, lungs, a brain, excess accumulation of liquid in an abdominal cavity – ascites. Some states at an overhydratation are critical for the patient's life.Гипергидратация - нарушение водно-солевого баланса

The human body consists to some extent of water which volume changes with age. So, water volume in an organism of the newborn reaches 75% while the organism of the elderly person only for 55% consists of water. Water in a human body is distributed by liquid sectors: the intracellular space contains about 60% of all water which is in an organism, other volume of water is distributed in extracellular space – intercellular space, a blood plasma, transcellular liquid (digestive tract, the spinal channel, chambers of the eye, uric channels, epinephral tubules).

The water balance of an organism is supported by the correlated volume of the arriving and removed liquid at the same time. The standard daily rate of liquid of an organism (2,5 l) arrives with food stuffs (about 1 l), drink (about 1,5 l), and also in the form of oksidatsionny liquid which is formed in the course of oxidation of fats (about 0,3 - 0,4 l). Liquid is removed from an organism by evaporation (with about 0,6 l of liquid are removed then), through kidneys (about 1,5 l of liquid), with expired air (excretion of 0,4 l of liquid a day), with a fecal masses (to 0,2 l a day are removed).

At disturbance of a water balance (overhydratation) not only the volume of the liquid which is contained in an organism changes but also the level of content of minerals in an organism changes. Excessive change of concentration of sodium, potassium and other minerals (electrolytes) at an overhydratation can lead to a hyponatremia, a hypopotassemia, the general electrolytic imbalance of an organism.

The overhydratation can arise in an organism owing to excess consumption of liquid or insufficient excretion of liquid an organism. In some cases with the diagnosed overhydratation both factors are present at the patient's organism. The overhydratation can develop both at influence of external factors, and owing to disturbance of functioning of bodies, organism diseases.

Organism overhydratation: reasons, types of a disgidriya

Are the main reasons for an overhydratation of an organism:

  • Excess administration of liquid in an organism (water intoxication) which is characterized by the lowered content of salts or their total absence. Most often such state develops at repeated enteral administration of liquid in an organism (overconsumption of liquid at some types mental disturbances, excess administration of water in a GIT at a gastric lavage);
  • Decrease in excretory function of kidneys at a renal failure;
  • Circulatory unefficiency with formation of hypostases;
  • The increased level of maintenance of ADG (antidiuretic hormone);
  • Congestive heart failure;
  • Cirrhosis.

Treat main types of an overhydratation of an organism:

  • Izoosmolyarny overhydratation of an organism – increase in level of extracellular liquid with normal osmolarity. As a rule, this disturbance has short-term character and quickly is eliminated with an organism on condition of normal functioning of the systems supporting its water balance;
  • The Gipoosmolyarny overhydratation – this type of an overhydratation develops at the same time in cellular and intercellular spaces, is characterized by radical disturbance of acid-base and ionic balance, and also membrane potential of cellular structures;
  • Giperosmolyarny overhydratation – the overhydratation form developing at the forced use of sea water as drinking at which rapid growth of concentration of electrolytes is observed.

Overhydratation: disturbance symptoms

At an overhydratation symptoms are shown as follows:

  • Change of volume of the circulating blood;
  • Increase in the ABP;
  • Disturbance of cordial rhythms;
  • Development of hypostases;
  • Disturbance of release of urine (diuresis) – a polyuria, an anury;
  • Organism intoxication, vomiting, diarrhea;
  • Disorders of psychoneurological character – spasms, apathy, consciousness disturbance, slackness.

In rare instances at an overhydratation erubescence, fervescence, sleep disorders, disgust for food are observed.

At an overhydratation symptoms are subject to the careful analysis for definition of a form of a disgidriya and purpose of the corresponding treatment.

Main effects of an overhydratation

Carry to number of the main effects of an overhydratation:

  • Development of hypostases of fabrics – the pathological processes which are characterized by increase in content of liquid in extravasated space of an organism;
  • Fluid lungs – a state at which in a pulmonary interstitium the increased liquid level is diagnosed;
  • Wet brain – the pathological process which is characterized by excess accumulation of liquid in cells of a head and spinal cord;
  • Hyponatremia – one of overhydratation symptoms which is characterized by decrease in concentration of ions of sodium in a blood plasma (level is lower than 135 mmol/l);
  • Hypopotassemia – the lowered level of content of potassium in blood provoked by the lowered number of intake of potassium in an organism, its migration in cells of fabrics, its strengthened removal;
  • Bystry addition in weight.Фуросемид - мочегонный препарат для лечения гипергидратации

Treatment of an overhydratation

The main risk group of development of an overhydratation of an organism are patients with a renal failure, heart failure, other diseases of kidneys and a liver, and also the people subject to the raised exercise stresses, and also keeping to a rigid diet. In treatment of an overhydratation a key role is played by causes of infringement of a water balance of an organism.

The insignificant overhydratation does not demand additional medicamentous correction. At normal functioning of all systems, the organism independently copes a lot of liquid.

At detection of an overhydratation which symptoms include a headache irritability, confusion of consciousness, dizziness, to patients is recommended to limit liquid consumption.

At hard cases of an overhydratation the drug treatment (are appointed diuretics) directed to recovery of water and electrolytic balance of an organism is applied. In rare instances of an overhydratation the symptomatic treatment is appointed. At irregular shapes of an overhydratation to patients the hemodialysis is appointed.

At observance of a diet the organism lacks for minerals. Patients are recommended to reduce water consumption which surplus can lead to decrease in level of electrolytes in an organism. In order to avoid an overhydratation at the raised exercise stresses, diets the complete elimination of salt is not recommended. For completion of water and electrolytic balance the use of mineral water is recommended.

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