a href="javascript:if(confirm(%27www.medicalmed.de/images/stories2/zabolevanija/gipergidroz-1.jpg \n\nThis file was not retrieved by Teleport Pro, because it is linked too far away from its Starting Address. If you increase the in-domain depth setting for the Starting Address, this file will be queued for retrieval. \n\nDo you want to open it from the server?%27))window.location=%27www.medicalmed.de/images/stories2/zabolevanija/gipergidroz-1.jpg%27" tppabs="www.medicalmed.de/images/stories2/zabolevanija/gipergidroz-1.jpg" rel="lytebox">In translation from Latin the hyper prefix means exceeding of norm, and "hydra" – water. The increased perspiration which, in turn, is subdivided on local and the general is so designated. The hyperhidrosis is caused by a number of diseases from skin to endocrine. However the mechanism of the increased sweating is always identical.
Skin of the person has two types of secretory sweat glands: ekkrinny and apocrenic. In total on different body parts about 2 million glands are located. Their increased density is noted in axillary hollows, on palms and feet. The major role in sweating is played by apocrenic glands, they emit sweat with impurity of organic matters therefore at a hyperhidrosis the smell is felt. Apokrinovy glands develop after three years therefore babies and small children do not give an individual smell of a body. Kids always "smell delicious", but after three years of life at children the hyperhidrosis is shown in the same way as at adults.
Apocrenic glands have a sympathetic innervation, that is directly depend on the emitted adrenaline. The local hyperhidrosis, as a rule, is caused by nervous reaction therefore it is often carried to one of manifestations of neurotic frustration. But not each neurosis is followed by the increased perspiration of palms, certain conditions – changes of structure of skin glands are necessary for manifestation of a hyperhidrosis. In most cases the configuration of apocrenic glands is defined genetically, that is is descended. The increased hormonal activity of a thyroid gland also leads to expansion of channels of sweat glands.
At temperature increase of the environment, the center of thermal control works, producing moisture for creation of the protective film which is located on the surface of skin. After reception of hot, spicy food or alcohol there is a similar reaction. Sympathetic nerve fibrils give a signal on glands, and they begin secretion. At a pathological hyperhidrosis the increased sweating begins without additional stimulation. It is only enough to person to think that his palms will be wet now, and secretion of stressful hormone – adrenaline is immediately started. And palms, really, become wet. The same occurs in other places of localization of apocrenic glands: in axillary hollows, on a face, feet.
The most frequent form of hypersecretion of sweat glands is observed in the field of axillary hollows, a hyperhidrosis of armpits or an axillary hyperhidrosis. With an identical frequency the disease is noted at men and women in youth. With age nervous control returns to normal, and women suffer from such form of a hyperhidrosis less. The syndrome of perspiration naked when the patient at inspection takes off clothes is observed, sweating from axillary hollows so plentiful begins that sweat flows down a stream. And on the right side of ("worker") the hyperhidrosis of armpits is expressed more considerably. At a histologic research of sweat glands of patients kistoobrazny expansion of sweat glands comes to light – when in a direct channel the cavity which is not fallen down is formed, but it is always filled with contents. At the first impulse of a sympathetic nervous system which is not regulated by a will of the person secretion of sweat glands begins.
The increased perspiration of legs (hyperhidrosis of feet) brings many troubles to the person. In certain cases the disease progresses so that patients feel how legs squelch in footwear. A sick hyperhidrosis of feet it is necessary to change socks several times in day. At the same time legs are painted under color of tights or a sock, the unpleasant smell is allocated. Skin is macerated, on it microcracks in which fungi become populated are formed. The developed mycosis strengthens manifestations of a hyperhidrosis of feet, the vicious vicious circle is formed. The people suffering from the increased sweating of legs begin to avoid contacts with society and need treatment at the neuropathologist, and is more often, the psychiatrist.
The strengthened sweating in palms has several forms of weight:
In winter time release of sweat does not stop, it accumulates in gloves and mittens why hands freeze, but even on the cold, turned blue skin, sweat drops appear. The hyperhidrosis of palms represents a huge psychological problem. The person begins to avoid society, the inferiority complex develops that considerably aggravates the course of a disease.
At treatment of local sweating the set of factors is considered:
When the increased sweating is a symptom of other disease, treatment of a hyperhidrosis consists in fight against the main pathology. At endocrine disturbances the normal level of hormones in blood is reached, at a diabetes mellitus – glucose. The neurasthenia is subject to treatment in the conditions of a psychoneurological clinic. Hereditary pathology is subject to the maximum correction. To force a sympathetic nervous system to stop reacting to irritations it is impossible, but to interrupt a pathological reflex arc, modern medicine quite on forces.
Medicamentous influence at treatment of a hyperhidrosis includes the general and local means. At local forms antiperspirants – the drugs suppressing department of sweat due to the pulling together effect in skin glands are used. The means containing formaldehyde which causes coagulation of an epithelial cover are used. As a result sweat glands are narrowed, their functional activity decreases.
Intradermal administration of botulinovy toxin A at a hyperhidrosis, blocks receptors, interrupting a reflex arc for a long span: from two to eight months. With the same purpose physiotherapy is carried out: electrophoresis, UVCh, inductothermy.
a href="javascript:if(confirm(%27www.medicalmed.de/images/stories2/zabolevanija/gipergidroz-2.jpg \n\nThis file was not retrieved by Teleport Pro, because it is linked too far away from its Starting Address. If you increase the in-domain depth setting for the Starting Address, this file will be queued for retrieval. \n\nDo you want to open it from the server?%27))window.location=%27www.medicalmed.de/images/stories2/zabolevanija/gipergidroz-2.jpg%27" tppabs="www.medicalmed.de/images/stories2/zabolevanija/gipergidroz-2.jpg" rel="lytebox">When the local hyperhidrosis of palms, stop and armpits does not give in to therapeutic influence, surgical methods are applied:
At an easy current treatment of a hyperhidrosis is carried out by means of powders, psychotherapy, deodorants.
The hyperhidrosis, even hereditarily caused is subject to treatment, it is important to see a doctor.
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