Main > Diseases> Lipidemia


The lipidemia represents disturbance of lipid metabolism with the increased their content in blood of the person. This disturbance is risk factor of development of cardiovascular diseases and pancreatitis.Гиперлипидемия - повышенное содержание липидов в крови

Reasons and symptoms of a lipidemia

The lipidemia can provoke adjournment of atherosclerotic plaques and development of atherosclerosis of vessels. The excess quantity of lipids influences active formation of deposits of cholesterol and calcium. At big surplus of lipids blood circulation worsens and the probability of development of an ischemic disease, heart attack, an aortic aneurysm and disturbances of cerebral circulation increases.

Disturbances of arterial pressure, obesity, a diabetes mellitus and advanced age can be the reasons of a lipidemia. Development of a disease is promoted a slow-moving way of life, by diseases of kidneys and a thyroid gland, smoking and the use of alcoholic beverages.

Symptoms of a lipidemia have slight character, and reveal a disease by means of biochemical analysis of blood. The lipidemia can be shown as a hereditary disease, and the risk of its emergence grows after 40 years.

Some drugs cause the increased accumulation of lipids in an organism. It is possible to carry to them: estrogen, hormonal and contraceptive drugs, diuretic medicines.

Lipidemia types

There are five main types of a lipidemia which differ on factors of development of a disease and extent of its progressing. The general classification of lipidic disturbances was created by the scientist D. Fredrikson in 1965 and taken for the official version by World Health Organization.

The first type of a lipidemia is the most rare and develops at deficit of protein of LPL, and also causes increase in content of chylomicron.

The lipidemia of the second type is the most common form of this disease and is followed by the high content of triglycerides.

Lipidic disturbance of sporadic or hereditary type is caused by genetic mutations and family predisposition to development of cardiovascular diseases.

Special subtype of a lipidemia is disturbance of clearance, and also the increased contents acetyl coenzyme and triglycerides.

The third type of a lipidemia is shown in the increased amount of chylomicron and LPPP caused by disturbances of LPNP of receptors.

The fourth and fifth type of a disease meet most seldom and are followed by the increased concentration of triglycerides.Витамин B5 - один из препаратов для лечения гиперлипидемии

Treatment of a lipidemia

Treatment of a lipidemia is begun with establishment like disease and the level of lipids in an organism. An important component of treatment is the low-calorie diet which is directed to reduction of quantity of lipids and maintenance of their normal level in an organism.

Also attending physician appoints special physical exercises for reduction of content of cholesterol and triglycerides. Elimination of excess weight, a regular exercise stress and elimination of addictions will allow to reduce amount of fat considerably.

The course of treatment of a lipidemia includes the following medicamentous drugs:

  • the statines reducing the content of cholesterol in blood and interfering its adjournment in a liver;
  • cholagogue medicines;
  • fibrata;
  • B5 vitamin.

At patients after 50 years treatment of a lipidemia has to have complex character with a combination of medicamentous therapy, a special diet, physical exercises and the therapeutic clearing procedures.

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