Main > Diseases> Hyperuricemia


Hyperuricemia it is considered to be a state at which the level of uric acid in blood exceeds limit indicators. Normal concentration of uric acid in blood has to be in limits of 240-400 microns/l.

Hyperuricemia reasons

Гиперурикемия может быть наследственным или приобретённым заболеваниемTwo factors can serve as the reasons of a hyperuricemia:

  • excess formation of uric acid (exchange or metabolic hyperuricemia);
  • removal disturbance by kidneys of uric acid (renal hyperuricemia).

As the reason of a hyperuricemia renal can serve both a hereditary factor, and acquired. Anyway, as a releaser serves disturbance of filtrational and canalicular function of kidneys. The acquired hyperuricemia, as a rule, arises already in old age owing to a sklerozirovaniye of renal vessels (when in walls of vessels the cicatricial fabric leading to narrowing of gleams of vessels expands). Also acquired hyperuricemia can be a consequence of atherosclerosis, a diabetes mellitus, a hypertension, and sometimes long and unreasonable reception of some medicines (in particular diuretics and aspirin).

The constant raised indicators of uric acid in urine at first promote formation of sand in kidneys, and afterwards and stones (the urolithiasis develops). Quite often gouty arthritis (gout) – an inflammation of joints of chronic character which is followed by severe pains and deformation of joints is a consequence of disturbance of purine exchange.

In general, gout for many years was considered as exclusively hereditary disease. However numerous researches according to which data on gout and the reasons of its development significantly extended were conducted in recent years.

Thus, it is already known that gouty arthritises and uratny stones arise against the background of disturbance of purine exchange.

Researches of the last years also showed that disturbance of purine exchange can promote development of disturbance of work of beta cells of a pancreas therefore inability of these cells to synthesize insulin develops. Thus, already for anybody the combination of such diseases as a diabetes mellitus, gout and an urolithiasis is not surprising.

Quite often the hyperuricemia develops as a result of abuse of alcoholic drinks, long reception of medicines (diuretics, salicylates). The increased concentration of uric acid in blood leads to the fact that it, getting to joint liquid where crystals of acid form accumulations in circumarticular fabrics and joints, destroys cartilaginous and bone fabrics, causing their deformation and an inflammation.

Hyperuricemia symptoms

The most important symptom of a hyperuricemia is the raised indicator of uric acid in blood. Naturally, for diagnosis of this disease it is necessary to take a blood test on biochemical analysis.

If results of the analysis show that the patient is in risk group, that is the level of uric acid has boundary indicators, it is recommended to pass immediately to a diet at a hyperuricemia.

Treatment of a hyperuricemia

Doctors at treatment of a hyperuricemia use several approaches. First of all it is necessary to keep to a diet at a hyperuricemia which means a complete elimination from a diet of products with the high content of purines. Thus, it is necessary to exclude the following products from a diet:

  • alcoholic beverages and beer (a small amount of dry wine is sometimes allowed);
  • fish and meat dishes in the baked, fried and stewed look;
  • rich fish and meat soups;
  • heart, kidneys, liver, sausages, various smoked products, canned food and bean (peas, haricot, soy).

Also the diet at a hyperuricemia means restriction of the use of spinach, a sorrel, cheese, a garden radish, cocoa, chocolate, a cauliflower. But the following products are welcomed:

  • meat of chicken, turkey, rabbit;
  • various lenten soups and first courses made on the "second" fish or beef-infusion broth;
  • dairy and fermented milk products;
  • berries, greens, vegetables and fruit.

Special preference at treatment of a hyperuricemia should be given to the fruit and vegetables rich with potassium (eggplants, pumpkin, a white cabbage, cucumbers, carrots, sweet pepper, apricots, green peas, grapes, melons, pears, apples). From berries will be the most useful bright red, blue and dark (sweet cherry, cherry, a cranberry, blueberry, a guelder-rose, a hawthorn, cowberry). All of them are rich with the substances promoting decrease in concentration of uric acid in blood.

Во время лечения гиперурикемии следует пить много водыAt treatment of a hyperuricemia it is necessary to drink daily about 2-2,5 liters of water. A large amount of liquid dilutes urine and is excellent prevention of formation of stones in kidneys. Water best of all will approach spring, it is useful to add to it a little juice of a lemon, cowberry or a cranberry.

Weekly it is necessary to do fasting days.

At drug treatment of a hyperuricemia to patients appoint пробенецид which promotes decrease in uric acid. At hyperuricemia symptoms doctors also widely use Allopyrinolum, xanthineoxidase inhibitor.

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