Main > Drugs> Glucocorticosteroids


Glucocorticosteroid – substance of a natural or synthetic origin from a subclass of adrenal hormones.Преднизолон - препарат группы глюкокортикостероидов средней продолжительности действия

Influence of glucocorticosteroids on an organism

By the chemical nature these substances are steroids. In a human body and animals the main place of their education is bark of adrenal glands. Glucocorticosteroids in general increase resistance of an organism to stressful influences, biological value of these hormonelike materials consists in it.

Glucocorticosteroids exert impact on a metabolism in an organism, mainly on carbohydrate, mineral, proteinaceous and water.

Artificially created medicines of glucocorticosteroids work as the antiinflammatory, desensibilizing, immunodepressive, anti-toxic and antishock means.

Main effects of glucocorticosteroids

Glucocorticosteroids realize the influence, getting diffuzno through membranes of cells into cytoplasm. There they contact special intracellular receptors through which influence protein synthesis. It is also known of the oppressing influence of these hormones on a phospholipase of A2 and hyaluronidase which are inflammation enzymes.

Substances of this group stabilize membranes of cells thanks to what slow down release of biologically active agents (a histamine, leukotrienes, thromboxane) from mast cells. They slow down education from arachidonic acid of pro-inflammatory cytokines.

Immunodepressive influence of glucocorticosteroid hormones is used in medicine for suppression of excess aggression of the immune system directed to own organism. It is required at organ transplantation (for example, kidneys, marrow), at malignant tumors, autoimmune diseases. The positive effect from treatment by glucocorticosteroids is reached due to suppression of migration of stem cells and lymphocytes, and also interaction of different groups of lymphocytes among themselves.

Ability of glucocorticosteroids to increase arterial pressure is implemented due to increase in emission of adrenaline and recovery of sensitivity to it adrenalinic receptors, narrowing of a gleam of vessels and decrease in their permeability. This their property allows to fight against depressed cases in critical situations.

Glucocorticosteroids strengthen education in a liver of glucose and disintegration of proteins at the expense of what the content of free amino acids and glucose in blood increases. At the same time the organism receives enough high-energy substances.

Treatment by glucocorticosteroids

In medicine drugs of glucocorticosteroids on duration of action divide into 3 groups: short, average duration and long action.

The hydrocortisone belongs to glucocorticosteroids of short action. It is an analog of own hydrocortisone of an organism, in comparison with other drugs, it exerts the minimum impact on a water salt metabolism.

Drugs of glucocorticosteroids of average duration of action - Methylprednisolonum and Prednisolonum.

It is possible to carry betamethasone and dexamethasone to glucocorticosteroids of long action.

At treatment by glucocorticosteroids use forms of drugs for intake, inhalation, intranasal and parenteral.Гидрокортизон - глюкокортикостероид короткого действия

Drugs for intake are well soaked up from a digestive tract, in blood they contact proteins of plasma. They are used for treatment of inborn dysfunction of bark of adrenal glands, primary and secondary adrenal insufficiency, at a subacute thyroiditis, a disease Krone, intersticial diseases of lungs and HOBL in an aggravation stage.

From inhalation glucocorticosteroids acetonide, beclomethasone Dipropionas, a mometazona furoate, a flutikazon propionate are most often applied будесонид, Triamcinolonum. They well are suitable for basic treatment of bronchial asthma and HOBL, allergic rhinitis.

Intranasal glucocorticosteroids are appointed at a nose polypose, allergic and idiopathic rhinitis. Feature of their introduction assumes that a part of drug will get on mucous a nose and into airways, and a part will be swallowed and will get into a digestive tract.

Contraindications to glucocorticosteroids

With care they are applied at Itsenko-Cushing's disease, a diabetes mellitus, a thromboembolism, a peptic ulcer, the increased arterial pressure, a heavy renal failure, herpes and system mycoses.

Also active forms of syphilis and tuberculosis, pustulous processes on skin, virus damages of eyes, defeats of a cornea with defects of an epithelium, glaucoma, the breastfeeding period will be contraindications to glucocorticosteroids.

Intranazalno glucocorticosteroids cannot be entered at the repeating nasal bleedings, hemorrhagic diathesis, individual intolerance.

During treatment by glucocorticosteroids measles and chicken pox proceed heavier.

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