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Eggs goose

In a food allowance of the person goose eggs appeared even since domestication of geese, that is, for 10 thousand years B.C.

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Goose eggs can be carried to dietary products, and their nutritional value is several times higher than some eggs. The size of goose egg rather big, and weight reaches it 200 g.

Shell at eggs of white color and rather dense therefore to make hard boiled egg, it is necessary to boil thoroughly it not less than 15 minutes under a cover. Goose eggs rather dirty therefore before preparation they need to be washed out in water. In spite of the fact that the size of goose egg by 3-4 times exceeds the size chicken, the content of fat in it much less. Eggs can change the taste and nutritional value, depending on food of a bird. The more in the menu of a bird of a fresh grass, the more gently on taste of their egg.

Storage of goose eggs

Goose eggs need to be stored at a temperature from 2 to 12 degrees Celsius, and at humidity of 85-90%. The ideal place – the refrigerator. And that eggs did not spoil longer, they need to be washed up well as through microcracks harmful substances often get. It is better to use eggs with the damaged shell at once.

On retail to buy goose eggs it is quite problematic, but on farms at the producer acquisition them does not represent special complexity.

Whether eat goose eggs?

Goose eggs are very valuable nutritious product therefore on a question: Whether "Eat goose eggs?", the answer will be unambiguous – of course, eat. For a long time they are eaten in the boiled or baked look. Taste at them much nasyshchenny, than at eggs though they also concede to them in fat content and aroma. Unfortunately, geese rush much less than hens therefore goose eggs are more hardly accessible.

However, because of specific taste and a smell goose eggs should be used in cookery with extra care. That eggs were more tasty, at the menu of geese there shall be a fresh grass. Goose eggs can be added to dough for bakery products, to use by production of mayonnaise, desserts, baked puddings, salads and snack.

Structure of goose eggs

In 100 g of goose eggs 70,4 g of water, 13,9 g of proteins, 13,3 g of fats, 1,1 g of ashes, 1,4 g of carbohydrates contain. Vitamins A, groups B, E, K, D, and also such mineral substances as sulfur, iron, phosphorus, copper, potassium and calcium are a part of eggs.

Caloric content of goose eggs makes 185 kcal on 100 g of a product.

Advantage of goose eggs

Its nutritional value depends on the size of goose egg. The more weight, the is higher value. And the advantage of goose eggs for an organism is undoubted. So, their regular use positively affects work of urinogenital system.

The vitamins which are contained in eggs promote improvement of brain activity and support the necessary level of sex hormones. It is useful to use goose eggs for clarification of blood vessels, a conclusion of toxins from a liver and improvement of memory.

The goose yolk contains a large number of Luteinum – the unique substance which is powerful antioxidant. Therefore the use of eggs is very useful for prevention of a cataract and other problems with sight. And for pregnant women goose eggs are in general obligatory as at them there are substances necessary for the correct development of a brain in the child.

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The advantage of goose eggs is known also in cosmetology. So, for example, the nutritious mask from goose egg is widely known. For its preparation it is necessary to split egg and to merge protein, and to lay out a yolk on a plate, to add to it small polished fresh tomato. To put the received mask on a face and to wash away in 15 minutes warm water.

Harm of goose eggs

As a goose – a waterfowl, his eggs are considerably subject to infection with various bacteria, in particular a salmonellosis therefore it is not recommended to use them in the raw.

It is necessary to watch that at preparation eggs had a pleasant aroma. Existence of a pungent smell testifies to worthlessness of egg and its use can threaten with food poisoning.

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According to WHO researches the daily half-hour conversation by the mobile phone increases probability of development of a tumor of a brain by 40%.