Main > Food stuffs> Bread


Bread is received by pastries, by means of frying of the test or thanks to steam processing. Хлеб с отрубями - самый полезныйAt the heart of this product there shall be two ingredients – flour and water, the rest at desire and depending on a compounding. More often than other products salt, yeast or a baking powder are also added to bread. The flour used for preparation of the test, as a rule, is made of wheat, rye, corn and barley.

Bread can be used as separately, and as a part of sandwich, applying on it oils, jam, honey, etc.

History of this product contains several thousands of years. In the early Neolithic it was similar to the baked gruel from grain and water. In some cultures such way of production of bread is urgent to this day.

Bread on the basis of yeast dough for the first time was made in Egypt where it was succeeded to remove the special type of wheat which is not demanding preliminary drying and roasting and containing a gluten in necessary quantity.

A variety of types of bread struck in ancient times. So, Afiney, the author from Ancient Greece, in the works described flat cakes, loaves, grain curls and other grades of a product.

In the Middle Ages in Europe bread was not only a part of a diet, but also a table layout element. For example, standard laying meant giving of a small piece of the stale bread performing function of a plate. After food they could be eaten.

In all countries white grades of bread were a prerogative of rich segments of the population while poor people were content with rye bread. Only in the 20th century of preference completely exchanged as also priorities changed: wealthy persons watched over health and chose black, more useful bread, to the poor was to receive nutrients enough and to satisfy hunger why their choice fell on white.

Today the variety of grades of this flour product impresses. In each country this or that grade is considered traditional:

  • for Russia, Ukraine and Belarus – a loaf;
  • for the USA – бейгл;
  • for Germany – брецель;
  • for France – бриошь or a baguette;
  • in Italy – ciabatta;
  • in Israel – matzo, etc.

Structure, nutrition value and caloric content of bread

Bread, especially fresh, contains a huge list of vitamins. First of all it is vitamins of group B which contains in it much: B9, B6, B2, B5, B1. Besides, the structure of bread is enriched with the content of sincaline, beta carotene and PP, E, H, A vitamins. Along with it the list of the contained mineral substances in bread is surprisingly extensive: cobalt, chrome, molybdenum, manganese, iodine, copper, iron, zinc, sulfur, chlorine, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, calcium – almost all useful part of the table of Mendeleyev.

Caloric content of bread differs and directly depends on structure. So, the caloric content of rye bread equals 181 Kcal in 100 g. Ratio of proteins, carbohydrates and fats at the same time: 6,6 g, 34,2 g and 1,2 g according to. The highest caloric content at easy white bread – about 381 Kcal on 100 g. Nutrition value of such grade: 9,2 g of proteins, 5,2 g of fats, 78,3 g of carbohydrates.

Useful properties of bread

To tell that the advantage of bread does not differ from a grade to a grade, it is impossible. The components which are a part of a product determine not only its caloric content, but also useful qualities which bread in itself bears. In white loaf the content of useful substances is minimized. It is considered that at that processing of grain that it is necessary for production of high-grade flour, the most part of nutrients which contain in a grain cover is lost. Such bread, as a rule, soft, magnificent, however its structure abounds with starch and excess calories. The advantage of bread of such grade is minimum since the percent of useful substances in it is hardly higher than 30% of initial.

However it does not mean at all that on a table it is necessary to refuse bread. The main thing – is correct to choose a type of this bakery product. By right it is considered one of the most useful grades of bread "gray", with addition of rye flour. It is more slowly acquired and contains more minerals and vitamins, than his white fellow, to it, more, useful properties of bread are inherent.

Ideal option for admirers of bakery products – bread with bran. The advantage of bread with bran is caused by their ability to absorb allergens and toxins, to strengthen immune system, and also to supply an organism with much-needed cellulose, proteins and vitamins. It is proved that the regular use of the bread containing bran promotes decrease in frequency of developing of diseases of digestive tract and atherosclerosis. Besides, those who prefer bread with bran white experience the difficulties connected with excess weight less often. Nutritionists recommend to use this grade of bread the patient with a hypertension, and also at locks, cholelithiasis, obesity.

The unleavened bread gaining popularity on hop ferment has a number of useful qualities: it renders light sleeping pill, and also the cholagogue, antiinflammatory and expectorating actions. The use of such product increases appetite and helps to normalize a menstrual cycle at women.Каравай - национальный хлеб России

Harmful properties of bread

As it was already noted above, harm of bread consists in the excessive use of those grades that excess calories contain, without being at the same time the enriched useful substances. Many nutritionists and physicians hold the opinion according to which development of many diseases is provoked by the use of products from high-grade flour in the quantities several times exceeding norm.

Researches show that overconsumption of such products causes an exacerbation of cardiovascular, endocrine, gastrointestinal and oncological diseases. Besides, frequent inclusion of white loaf in a food allowance several times increases probability of emergence of a diabetes mellitus. At the same time it is noted that the hereditary factor in this case does not play a role – the reason of development and progressing of a disease is covered only in quality and amount of the consumed food.

At last, harm of bread at the daily use that the hyperoxemia inherent to wheat, perniciously influences an adamantine substance of tooth.

In other words, harm of bread as it often happens, not in the product, and in lack of a measure at its consumption.

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Even if heart of the person does not fight, then he all the same can live during a long period, as the Norwegian fisherman Jan Revsdal showed us. Its "motor" stopped for 4 hours after the fisherman got lost and fell asleep in snow.