Cholecystitis is an inflammation of a gall bladder. The disease belongs to the most frequent pathologies of digestive tract. Meets more often at people after 40 years though can be at any age, even children's, women get sick more often than men.
The infection getting into a gall bladder from intestines at insufficiency of a sphincter of Oddi (the muscular ring separating a gall bladder from intestines) which, in turn, arises because of developments of stagnation in a gall bladder that happens most often, or gastritis is the reason of cholecystitis. The infection can sometimes get with a blood flow or a lymph from other centers.
Stagnation of bile in a gall bladder the frequent phenomenon. It results from a slow-moving way of life, and at disturbance of a diet. This irregular digestion, rare and plentiful meals, and also frequent use of greasy, fried, smoked and salty food. A provocative factor of stagnation of bile in a gall bladder at women is pregnancy as the increased uterus squeezes a gall bladder. The western doctors call the reason of development of cholecystitis three F: female, fat, fertile that can be translated as: woman, thick, fertile. Obesity often accompanies disturbances of a diet and low-mobility, and pregnancy increases risk of cholecystitis even more.
Cholecystitis happens acute and chronic. Chronic cholecystitis can be simple or calculous. Chronic calculous cholecystitis still is called a zhelchekamenny disease. This disbolism accompanying stagnation of bile in a gall bladder at which bile is condensed so that bile acids drop out in a deposit in the form of sand. In process of development of pathological process, sand increases in sizes, stones of a gall bladder, from 0,2 to 3 cm in size and more in the diameter are gradually formed. Stones make heavier the course of chronic cholecystitis as can cause spasms of a gall bladder and obstruction of bilious channels, heavy complications in the form of an empyema, gangrenes, a rupture of a gall bladder are a consequence of what.
The main symptom of cholecystitis in an acute form is emergence of a megalgia in right hypochondrium, often giving to a right shoulder-blade and a shoulder. The painful attack called by bilious colic arises after reception of greasy, fried or spicy food. Except it, the attack of bilious colic can be provoked by seafood, a melon and some other types of the products causing the strengthened outflow of bile and a spasm of a gall bladder. Colic is followed by the nausea and vomiting which is not giving relief. Acute cholecystitis can be followed by fever. Usually painful attack passes within several hours, weakness and feeling sick are felt on an extent at least days. In the absence of treatment acute cholecystitis almost always passes into a chronic form.
Chronic cholecystitis of symptoms can not have until there is its aggravation. Cholecystitis symptoms in a chronic form during an aggravation differ in nothing from cholecystitis symptoms in an acute form except that the attack of bilious colic arises not once, and from time to time at rough errors in food. At calculous cholecystitis bilious colic can be caused by the movement of a stone in a gall bladder which served as the reason of a spasm and obstruction by a stone of a bilious channel. Bilious colic is very painful for the patient, he rushes about, tries to accept family way in which pain would be less, and does not find it. Attacks happen various duration, of half an hour till six o'clock. The attack lasting more than six hours demands urgent medical intervention as it demonstrates development of one of heavy complications of cholecystitis.
The diagnosis is made on the basis of characteristic symptoms of cholecystitis, namely symptoms of bilious colic. For specification of the diagnosis and identification of species of cholecystitis, apply the following diagnostic methods:
These methods are the main in diagnosis of cholecystitis. In certain cases, at suspicion on tumoral process, CT (computer tomography) or MRT (magnetic and resonant tomography) can be applied.
Treatment of cholecystitis in the acute and aggravated chronic form is carried out in a hospital as there is always a risk of development of complications. At the beginning remove an attack of bilious colic: administer anesthetics, the antiinflammatory drugs. Hunger and a bed rest are appointed. After subsiding of acute symptoms start to etiotropic (directed to elimination of a cause of illness) to treatment of cholecystitis.
Treatment of cholecystitis in an acute and simple chronic form consists in the antibacterial therapy allowing to eliminate an infection, the drugs liquefying bile and promoting its evacuation and then in normalization of a way of life and food. The major means is the diet at cholecystitis. Practically all cases of bilious colic are always connected with reception of the prohibited products therefore food at cholecystitis has to be organized so that completely to eliminate these products: greasy, fried, smoked, spicy and salty food, seafood, alcohol and some other about which the patient, as a rule, recognizes by own bitter experience. The diet at cholecystitis consists in fractional meal – small portions during the day. Meals there have to be not less than five. The diet at cholecystitis has to be balanced and consist of the easily acquired products, preferential milk and vegetable. For corpulent patients food at cholecystitis is selected taking into account need of weight reduction, and consists of low-calorie products at preservation of the principle of divisibility and frequency.
Treatment of cholecystitis in a calculous form surgical, also consists it a gall bladder with stones at a distance. All other techniques – medicamentous dissolution of stones and a wave lithotripsy are ineffective, and almost with absolute probability conduct to a recurrence.
National treatment of cholecystitis consists in the use in the form of teas of the officinal herbs and collecting possessing antiinflammatory and cholagogue action. It is a St. John's Wort, corn stigmas, a barberry, an immortelle, a tansy and some other.
National treatment of cholecystitis can be rather effective, but it is possible to lead him only to stages of residual symptoms at an acute form of a disease, and during the period between attacks at simple chronic cholecystitis. National treatment of cholecystitis in a stage of bilious colic is extremely dangerous as this state demands holding the emergency medical actions.
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