Snore is the sharp sound made by a nasopharynx of the sleeping person. This phenomenon has a medical name – a ronkhopatiya. Snore is so widespread that it sometimes is not even considered pathology though annoys people around and serves as a subject of jokes, and sometimes and quarrels.
Nevertheless, it is pathology, though not a disease. Snore in itself is not too dangerous, the main danger consists that it can be a symptom of a terrible disease – a night obstructive apnoea.
Narrowing of a gleam of a throat either as a result of a disease, or as a result of weakening of muscular walls, or because of inborn anatomic features is the reason of snore. The most frequent reason of snore at children and young people, is the inflammatory hypostasis of a nasopharynx which is usually formed during an infectious disease. Snore can be caused in small children by the increased adenoides.
At people of advanced age the main reason for snore consists in age weakening of a tone of muscles. Obesity, a curvature of a nasal partition, a long uvula are other reasons of snore.
One more group of the reasons of snore, are functional, passing changes. For example, decrease in a tone of muscles of a throat can be caused by alcohol intake or overfatigue.
Saying that snore can be dangerous, we first of all mean danger to the patient. However it is necessary to take into account that snore can bear certain, though not deadly, danger to people around, most often for the constant partner in a bedroom. Quite often the partner of the snoring person sleeping near him it is constant, over time begins to suffer from relative deafness, and unilateral, expressed from that party where snoring usually sleeps. Snore of the partner can sometimes lead to sleeplessness though, as a rule, over time there is an adaptation, and the constant partner in a dream does not notice snore.
Therefore treatment of snore is desirable even then when this state is considered harmless. But there is other state shown by snore, and it demands obligatory medical intervention as it can pose threat for life. It is about a night apnoea. The apnoea is a state when intake of air in lungs stops completely.
The disease at which at night, spontaneously there comes such state is called a syndrome of an obstructive apnoea of a dream, in abbreviated form SOAS. If the person loudly snores, but sometimes his snore is interrupted, there comes complete silence, and then follows very loud всхрап and breath resuming, it and is signs of display of a night apnoea. The similar apnoea and its sharp resuming cause strong jump of arterial pressure and disturbance of cordial activity. In hard cases the account of such stops can go on hundreds in a night.
For some reason in society there was a steady opinion that on a question how to get rid of snore, the answer one – it is impossible to make it in any way. Actually it at all not so, just because of prevalence of a problem it is considered nearly norm in this connection even attempts of treatment of snore are not made.
There is a drug, surgical and physiotherapeutic treatment of snore. It is directed to elimination of the reason of snore and to recovery of normal provision of tissues of nasopharynx during sleep.
Surgical treatment of snore is applied when there are anatomic obstacles to normal respiration during sleep. It is the bent nasal partition, growths of polyps, adenoides or palatine tonsils, too long uvula, etc.
At the snore caused by decrease in a muscle tone, effectively laser or cryoimpact on soft tissues. This low-traumatic anemic intervention forcing a muscular wall and mucous be tightened fabrics.
Drug treatment of snore is applied when the main reason for snore consists in the inflammatory phenomena of a nasopharynx. In this case carry out therapy by antibacterial and antiinflammatory drugs to recovery of a normality of a mucous membrane of an oral cavity, a nose and a throat.
If the patient has obesity, treatment of snore consists in normalization of weight. In this case the gleam of a nasopharynx is narrowed because of fatty deposits therefore their elimination will lead to breath normalization.
There is a set of folk remedies from snore, some of them are very effective. So, good snore medicine is singing. Singing strengthens throat muscles, they are toned up, tightened, and snore disappears. Songs as snore medicine help with cases when the reason of snore consists in age decrease in a muscle tone. For achievement of therapeutic effect singing has to be regular, daily, not less than half an hour in day.
One of popular folk remedies from snore – an instillation in a nose before going to bed sea-buckthorn oil. It can be very effective if snore is caused by a chronic inflammation in a nasopharynx. Sea-buckthorn oil makes healing impact, promotes recovery of the damaged fabrics and blood circulations in them. At recovery of a mucous membrane and elimination of hypostasis the snore caused by an inflammation passes.
Thus, the question how to get rid of snore, has a set of decisions. To find out what snore medicine will approach in your case, it is necessary to consult with the doctor.
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