Main > Food stuffs> Persimmon


Persimmon call a fruit of tropical and subtropical evergreen trees from family the Ebony family.


Useful properties of a persimmon

The main useful properties of a persimmon are caused by chemical composition of pulp of berry. First place in it is won by the potassium reducing risk of development of cardiovascular diseases.

One more vital element – the vitamin A necessary for maintenance of health of skin and organs of sight.

Except vitamin A and potassium the persimmon contains magnesium, vitamins C, RR, iron, iodine, phosphorus, cobalt, than and such useful properties of a persimmon speak: removal of toxins, slags, strengthening of a nervous system, immunity, prevention of a stress, anemia, diseases of a thyroid gland, atherosclerosis, clarification of vessels of a brain.

The persimmon contains tannins – tannins which help at disorders of intestines, bleedings. Still fruits of a persimmon have diuretic, bactericidal property.

Thanks to the content of sugar and glucose a persimmon – nutritious berry, at the same time persimmon caloric content low – 62 kcal in 100 grams of a fresh product.

Use of a persimmon

At the daily use of two fruits of a persimmon it is possible to strengthen immunity, to improve work of cardiovascular, nervous systems, to adjust a sleep pattern.

Mentioned above the tannins which are contained in a persimmon can help to cure bleeding of gums. Solution for rinsings which is prepared from pulp of one fruit and a glass of warm boiled water is used in this case. Means rinse a mouth every day until gingivas cease to bleed.

For healing of wounds use powder from a dried persimmon. It is mixed 1:1 with bran and powder wounds.

For treatment of chronic diarrhea prepare broth from a persimmon which is drunk on half of liter by each 4 hours.

At anemia and for strengthening of an organism the persimmon is eaten regularly fresh, drink infusion.

Infusion prepares as follows: take two fruits of a persimmon, small cut and fill in 300 ml of abrupt boiled water, insist hour and filter. Accept means on one glass 2-3 times a day.

Useful properties of a persimmon are shown also at its external use. Face packs from fresh fruits help at problem, sluggish skin.

For food and moistening of skin pulp of one persimmon should be pounded and put on the face cleaned previously. In 10 minutes the mask is washed away cool water.

For giving to tone skin pulp of a fruit is mixed with cream, and for care of the skin inclined to appearance of eels and skin with enlarged pores, add an egg yolk to pulp.

Considering the low caloric content of a persimmon and its nutritional value, the diet based on the use of berry enjoys popularity. The easy diet at which for breakfast or a dinner it is necessary to eat on one persimmon, and for lunch – protein-rich food, such as eggs, meat, fish or cottage cheese is recommended. If the persimmon is decided to be eaten for dinner, then for breakfast it is possible to make porridge and vegetable salad. Such various menu gives the chance not to feel hungry and dump about 2-3 kilograms a week – such diet lasts so much.

Instead of a diet it is possible to practice fasting days when at emergence of feeling of hunger it is possible to eat only a persimmon. The norm – is no more than two kilograms of berry in day.

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Despite the low caloric content of a persimmon, it is not recommended to eat at tendency to obesity, a diabetes mellitus.

Extremely carefully should use a persimmon the people inclined to emergence of commissural processes in intestines or suffering from an intestines atony, locks – even very ripe fruit in this case can provoke impassability.

The use of a persimmon in a large number and can cause problems with digestion as well as its combination to cold water and milk in the healthy person.

Whether you know that:

The weight of a human brain makes about 2% of all body weight, however it consumes about 20% of the oxygen coming to blood. This fact does a human brain extremely susceptible to the damages caused by shortage of oxygen.