Main > Diseases> Hiccups


The hiccups is the dysfunction of external respiration arising owing to a number of convulsive reductions of a diaphragm, which is shown the short heavy spontaneous respiratory traffics. Sharp tolchkoobrazny reductions of a diaphragm lead to sudden change of volume of a thorax, lungs fill the formed volume, stretching and provoking a convulsive breath. The sudden movement of air in a mucous throat irritates nerve terminations and reflex closes a glottis. The hiccups as the repeating short and heavy respiratory traffics reminding convulsive whimpers looks.Икота - судорожные сокращения диафрагмы

The hiccups the phenomenon, very unpleasant for the person, causing strong discomfort, unpredictable and spontaneous, quite often can arise at the most inopportune moment.

The hiccups incidental or short-term arises suddenly, lasts minutes 10-15 and also suddenly stops. Such temporary inconvenience does not cost special attention.

The hiccups long arises every day for several weeks and longer, can proceed for hours and even days.

Hiccups: reasons

It is possible to call the reasons of a hiccups short-term external, they can be caused by hunger or an excessive overeating, thirst, the use of dry food (rolls, bread), abuse of alcoholic beverages, sharp temperature drops, strong nervousness or a stress.

The reasons of a hiccups long – internal. Most likely, it is a consequence of various serious problems with health, such as diseases of a liver, pancreas, gall bladder, disease of system of digestion or central nervous system, diabetes, vasoconstriction, infections, parasitic diseases (helminthosis, a lambliasis).

Hiccups at newborns

The hiccups at newborns the phenomenon frequent, is explained by extreme excitability of the mechanisms regulating sokratitelny function of a diaphragm in the first months of life. The newborn baby adapts to independent life out of mother's organism, and all its systems and bodies learn to work. The main reasons for a hiccups at newborns the following:

  • Stomach hyperdystension the air which got to it during feeding;
  • Stomach hyperdystension food, as a result of the child's overfeeding;
  • Overcooling;
  • Strong fright, concern, nervousness;
  • Improper feeding of mother if the child is on breastfeeding.

It is not difficult to remove the hiccups causes at newborns. If in the room it is cold - wrap up the kid, take him on hands, warm the heat. If the hiccups began after or during feeding, wear the kid vertically, a head up, stroking on a back or a tummy. The stomach will leave excesses of air, and the hiccups will stop. The hiccups at newborns - normal physiological process as soon as the child grows up, a hiccups will pass.

If a hiccups at newborns regular and long, it is necessary to see a doctor as she can point to existence at the kid of a serious disease.

Hiccups at the child

The hiccups at the child happens rather often, in process of a growing he, hiccuping, begins to feel discomfort and concern. The hiccups at the child can begin if he:

  • Ate dry food (croutons, cookies, bagels) without washing down;
  • Overate, and the stomach is not able to cope with such volume of food;
  • Just wants to drink;
  • Overcooled.

If the hiccups at the child happens seldom and no more than an hour lasts, there are no reasons for concern. In case of a regular long hiccups of the child it is necessary to show to the doctor immediately. One of the most common causes of a hiccups the child can have a presence of worms at it.Мотилиум - препарат для лечения икоты, возникшей в результате расстройства работы пищеварительной системы

How to get rid of a hiccups

The question of how to get rid of a hiccups, is so urgent that found only the right answer on it universal recognition is guaranteed. Unfortunately, such means from a hiccups was not invented yet. Ideally the hiccups has to stop in 5-15 minutes after began, also involuntarily. If it does not occur, and you want immediately to stop hiccupping, try to use the following below recommendations.

When the hiccups is caused by trouble breathing, it needs to be recovered, having returned to the normal mode to get rid of a hiccups. For this purpose there is a number of special exercises from which you should choose most suitable:

  • Having made the deepest breath, exhale air in the small portions, before each exhalation for a while holding the breath;
  • Take a paper package, having clasped edges with hands, densely press it to the person, inhale and exhale as it is possible more intensively and more often, without allowing penetration of air into a package;
  • Small drinks, without being interrupted, drink a glass of water.

How to get rid of the hiccups caused by problems with the alimentary system:

  • To eat something sweet, for example, a spoon of honey or sugar;
  • To eat something acid, for example, a lemon segment, or to drink the lemon juice diluted with water;
  • To drink waters with ice or just to rassosat an ice piece.

In a situation when any of above-mentioned means from a hiccups does not help if it is connected with disorder of work of the alimentary system, such medicines are recommended: cerucal, atropine, мотилиум, Scopolaminum. Pipolphenum or a haloperidol remove spasms and stop irritation of a diaphragm, recovering normal work of the central nervous system. It is possible to use medicines as means from a hiccups only according to the recommendation of the attending physician.

If the hiccups does not stop within several hours and happens several times within a day, it is necessary to find out the reason of its emergence. For this purpose it is necessary to address to medical institution to undergo inspection and to get advice of specialists. Often such hiccups happens one of symptoms of a serious disease.

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