Main > Diseases> Iridocyclitis


Острый иридоциклит

Inflammation of an iris of the eye (Latin of iris) and a tsiliarny, or ciliary body (Latin of corpus ciliare), being a part of a choroid of an eye, call an iridocyclitis. The iridocyclitis, is dangerous that it more often than people of the most active age – strikes from 20 to 40 years though occurs both at children, and at elderly people. The iridocyclitis can be caused by various reasons, and depending on it has various current, but in general well gives in to therapy, despite tendency to a recurrence at some forms of a disease. However in case of lack of timely treatment the iridocyclitis can lead to sight loss.

Iridocyclitis reasons

General autoimmune diseases (the iridocyclitis is found in 40% of people with this pathology), infectious diseases of an organism or presence at an organism of the centers of a hroniosepsis, such for example as the teeth destroyed by carious process, and also eye injuries including an operational origin can be the cause of an iridocyclitis. Depending on the reason the iridocyclitis has the specific form of a current, and also the forecast of a disease.

Types of an iridocyclitis

Depending on character of a current:

  • acute iridocyclitis;
  • subacute;
  • chronic;
  • recurrent.

Proceeding from the reason iridocyclites divide on:

  • toksiko-allergic (they infectious and allergic), treat them rheumatic, gouty, diabetic, influenzal, gonorrheal, herpetic and etc. treat them rheumatic, influenzal, but in unfavorable conditions can pass in chronic and even р corresponding;
  • metastatic, among which syphilitic, tubercular, brucellous, etc.;
  • traumatic.

Also by origin iridocyclites happen:

  • endogenous (the iridocyclitis reason in an organism);
  • exogenous (traumatic, including post-operating rooms).

Depending on features of course:

  • granulematozny iridocyclites at which in an iris and a ciliary body the granulomas representing accumulations lymphoid, epithelial, the colossal live and died cells are formed;
  • negranulematozny iridocyclites at which in an iris and a ciliary body there is an exudate of fibrinous exudate.

Depending on a form of inflammatory process the iridocyclitis happens:

  • serous;
  • purulent;
  • fibrous, or plastic;
  • hemorrhagic;
  • mixed.

Iridocyclitis symptoms

Первые признаки иридоциклита

Symptoms of an iridocyclitis can be shown both on one eye, and on both. Iridocyclitis symptoms at various forms of a disease have some features, but there are general signs characteristic of all types of this pathology. Treat the general symptoms of an iridocyclitis: hypersensitivity to light, up to a photophobia, the eye pain amplifying when pressing approximately and irradiating on the course of an eye branch of a trifacial, reddening of an eye (a conjunctiva hyperemia), iris discoloration on unusual for it greenish or to become rusty. The drawing of an iris becomes indistinct, the pupil is narrowed and badly reacts to light, sight on the affected eye worsens. Intraocular pressure is normal or is lowered though at chronic and recurrent forms of a disease can raise, up to development of glaucoma.

Sharp manifestations are characteristic of an acute iridocyclitis: severe pain in an eye, a headache, dacryagogue and a photophobia. At chronic process symptoms of an iridocyclitis have softer and sluggish manifestation, pain is not too expressed, there is no sharp reddening of a conjunctiva. But in this case atrophic changes are more expressed: rough commissures of an iris and crystalline lens and as their investigation fusion of a pupil, opacity of the vitreous body, etc. The acute iridocyclitis gives in to therapy better, but in unfavorable conditions can pass into a chronic and rediviruyushchy form.

Diagnosis of an iridocyclitis

Diagnosis of an iridocyclitis is based on existence of characteristic symptoms, data of ophthalmologic inspection, and also results of the laboratory researches conducted by means of the high-precision equipment.

The doctor conducts the examination of an eye by means of a slit lamp (eye biomicroscopy) allowing to define character of an inflammation and to differentiate it from inflammatory changes at other diseases. If the received picture of an iridocyclitis corresponds to one of toksiko-allergic or metastatic forms, conduct additional examination at the profile specialist (the endocrinologist, the rheumatologist, the immunologist, etc.). As a rule, diagnosis of an iridocyclitis does not represent difficulties.

Treatment of an iridocyclitis

Treatment of an iridocyclitis has to be consecutive and persistent in spite of the fact that quite often it takes a long time, of a month before half a year. Two main directions in which treatment of an iridocyclitis, it first, removal of an inflammation, and secondly, preventing to formation of commissures and scarrings as similar degenerative processes can lead to emergence of complications and a blindness is carried out.

As antiinflammatory therapy at nonspecific forms of an iridocyclitis often use hormonal drugs (a hydrocortisone, Prednisolonum) and as locally, and in the form of tablets. At purulent forms reception of antibiotics of a broad spectrum of activity is shown.

For prevention of formation of commissures (synechias) and to an iris union with a crystalline lens use so-called midriatik – the drugs expanding a pupil. Also for this purpose the physical therapy is widely applied: an electrophoresis with lidazy, trypsin and other drugs of lytic action, warming up, UF-radiation, magnetotherapy.

Treatment of the iridocyclitis caused by the endogenous reasons, such as diabetes, rheumatism, general diseases, tuberculosis and other needs to be carried out in a complex with treatment of the general disease as in this case the isolated therapy of eyes will yield only short-term result, and in the subsequent emergence of a recurrence is probable.

Лечение иридоциклита

Indispensable condition of successful treatment of an iridocyclitis is elimination of all sources of a hroniosepsis in an organism. It is necessary to sanify an oral cavity and to cure all chronic diseases as besides that the similar centers are constant nurseries of an infection, they oppress immunity.

The iridocyclitis will more difficult respond to treatment in cold season therefore in this case it is necessary to observe the particular thermal treatment – to avoid overcoolings and even just long stay on cold.

Forecast of an iridocyclitis

The forecast of an iridocyclitis in many respects depends on its form and adequacy of the undertaken treatment. As a rule, if it is possible to remove a cause of illness, then the iridocyclitis recovers. In that case when the iridocyclitis is a symptom of a serious general disease, it is necessary to use the best efforts for prevention of emergence of complications and distribution of an inflammation to other tissues of an eye. In general the forecast of an iridocyclitis favorable, on condition of treatment and observation at the ophthalmologist.

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