Main > Drugs> Etony


Etony – the drug relating to groups antiseptic and disinfectants.Антисептическое средство Этоний

Pharmacological action of Etoniya

The therapeutic effect of drug use Etony is caused by existence in its composition of derivative ammonia (actually substances Etony). Substance has bactericidal and bacteriostatic effects at the expense of a detoxication of staphylococcal toxin and some other pathogenic microorganisms, and also owing to disturbance of process of synthesis in their cells.

Etony is capable to stimulate healing of wounds, to regenerate sites of the damaged fabrics, to have easy anesthetic effect.

Release form

In pharmaceutical networks Etony is presented in three forms:

  • in the form of the white crystal powder possessing a specific smell. Powder is well dissolved in water and alcohol;
  • in the form of paste content of 7% of active active ingredient. Ointment is packaged in banks on 20 g;
  • in the form of ointment where the content of active agent reaches 0,5% or 1%. Ointment is packed into banks on 15 or 25 g.

Indications to Etoniya's use

According to the instruction to Etoniyu drug is used locally, as anesthetic, antimicrobic means, and also the means accelerating healing of wounds. Most often the following cases become a scope of drug:

  • purulent trophic ulcers (in particular, slowly beginning to live purulent skin defects);
  • cracks of a rectum, nipples;
  • radiation injuries of skin;
  • pruritic dermatosis;
  • inflammations of a mucous membrane of an oral cavity (first of all stomatitises);
  • inflammations mucous gums (ulites);
  • ulcers and inflammations (keratitis) of a cornea of an eye;
  • inflammations of a middle ear or otitises, other cases.


Гель и мазь для наружного применения ЭтонийBefore use it is important to be convinced of lack of hypersensitivity to any of Etoniya's components (it concerns all forms of release). Also contraindications for Etoniya's use in the form of paste are gangrenous and purulent forms of a pulpitis.

Application instruction of Etoniya

According to the instruction to Etoniyu drug should be applied outwardly. It is intended for topical administration.

Depending on a type of a disease the necessary dosage and a form of production of drug is chosen.

So, at treatment of ulcers, wounds Etoniya's use in the form of 0,02-1% of the solution made on the basis of powder or in the form of ointment is, etc. recommended.

Treatment of helcomas of an eye, keratitis and other damages of eyes is performed by means of 0,1% of solution of Etoniya which it is necessary to dig in in number of 1-2 drops three times a day for 10 days, no more. Treatment of tonsillitis, purulent otitises happens by means of Etoniya of the same concentration and to the same frequency. Most often appoint procedures in the form of spraying solution or washings.

At stomatitises it is recommended to 0,5% to apply Etoniya's solution in the form of application on the struck area. Application is left for 15-20 min., the course of treatment lasts from 2 to 7 days.

Treatment of trophic ulcers, pruritic dermatitis, pyodermas, burns of various etiology (thermal, chemical, beam) is performed by drawing on an affected area of 0,5-1% of ointment Etony. Duration of treatment should not exceed 15 days, the smallest term of use of ointment – 3 days.

Side effects of Etoniya

Etoniya's use is in certain cases capable to cause a hyperemia (reddening of integuments) and allergic reactions in the form of an itch. At emergence of side reactions use of drug should be stopped.

Storage conditions

Etony is recommended to store in the dry place protected from light penetration. The period of validity for powder makes 3 years, for paste – 2.

Whether you know that:

According to opinion of many scientists, vitamin complexes are almost useless for the person.