There is an impression that the diet is a destiny of young girls. At the same time, obesity at young age is widespread far not so strongly, as in the senior age groups. In Russia nearly 40% of the population have excess body weight. At the same time up to 20 years less than 10% of people, and after 50 years – more than a half face this problem. Obesity is a first of all not cosmetic problem. This state is a chronic disease which even in itself causes decline in quality of life. Besides, obesity provokes development of many serious diseases, and they can become the reason of disability and even death. So, the diabetes mellitus, an idiopathic hypertensia, diseases of joints and a backbone are associated with excess body weight. The longer the person has an obesity, the probability of development of these states is higher. Therefore the question how to lose weight in 50 years is very urgent.
It is necessary to understand that obesity is chronic disbolism. In most cases the disease is primary. Hereditary features and a way of life become its reason. We receive obesity genes from parents. Besides, since the childhood in a family the wrong habits can already form: tendency to an overeating, slow-moving leisure. Only in 5% of cases obesity forms because of endocrinological diseases (a hypothyroidism, a hypercorticoidism) or other diseases. To learn the reason of excess body weight from you, it is necessary to undergo comprehensive examination at the endocrinologist or the therapist.
The principles of treatment of obesity after 50 same, as well as at earlier age. At first the doctor defines obesity degree. The body weight index (Quetelet's index) is most often used. Normal its value does not exceed 25 kg/m ². Figures of an index of Quetelet from 30 kg/m ² are characteristic of obesity above. If the index is more than 25 kg/m ², but it is lower than 30 kg/m ², then it is possible to speak about excess body weight.
Even if you have no associated diseases, prevention of further increase in body weight change of food and a way of life is shown already at the excess weight. Medicinal therapy is appointed at inefficiency of a low-calorie diet, increase in physical activity and change of a way of life. Surgical treatment of obesity is sometimes shown.
Anyway, on a question how to lose weight in 50 years, the main answer is the diet.
The diet after 50 years has to be constructed on all principles of healthy food.
People with an excess weight have to have a low-calorie diet. It means that with food few calories have to arrive it is, less, than will be spent by an organism during the day. The person is more senior, the more slowly he has a metabolism, and, so and the organism spends energy less. Thus, food caloric content at the same person in 20 years has to be much higher, than in 50. To lose weight – reduce the caloric content of the daily diet by 500 kilocalories. First of all it should be made due to decrease in volume of greasy food and sweet products. Remember that even restriction of this food is shown to the person who does not have surplus of body weight after 50 years. Such measures help to avoid heart diseases, vessels and even some oncological diseases. The diet after 50 years should not be constructed on starvation or use of fasting days. Such measures are too severe stress for a metabolism and can cause disturbances of health. At the same time, the effect of several days of hunger is usually not too impressive and too unstable.
Besides, it is important to organize food correctly: to accept food fractionally, small portions, 5-6 times a day. Just the easiest to sustain such rhythm of meal that who on pension. It is not necessary to adapt to the working schedule any more, to eat in the dining room. Increased requirements in respect of safety for health are imposed to a diet after 50 years. Food has to be balanced on the main components, contain enough microelements and vitamins. At the expense of carbohydrates about 60% of calories, at the expense of fats – about 25%, at the expense of proteins – 15% have to arrive. Thus, it is visible that low-carbohydrate diets after 50 years are undesirable. Such power supply systems (doctor Atkins's diet, "Kremlin") at advanced age are transferred difficult as lead to unnecessary excess load of kidneys. At the same time, you should not limit proteinaceous food too. Let is present at a diet both animal, and phytalbumin. Their components are necessary for the correct work of each cell of an organism. The vegetarian diet will not be useful aged after 50 years. Its prolonged use can lead to decrease in immunity, and, so and to development of a serious illness (for example, tuberculosis).
So, how to lose weight in 50 years and what products should be eaten? Daily it is desirable to include in a diet at least a small amount of vegetables. They contain necessary vitamins, and also give feeling of saturation. Fruit can be on a table too. They are limited only at disturbance of carbohydrate metabolism. Meat, fish should be chosen low-fat grades. At preparation to delete a fat maximum. Chicken is without skin, it is better to use a breast, but not ham. Buy dairy products with the minimum fat content, but not fat-free. After 50 years it is important to provide sufficient intake of calcium in an organism. There is a lot of it also in milk, and cottage cheese, and in curdled milk. Calcium is acquired only in the presence of a small amount of fat. Therefore the fat-free dairy products are not too useful. If you have no diabetes, there is no need to completely exclude sweet. Remember that from confectionery the zephyr, a fruit candy, fruit jelly contain a minimum of calories. The principles how to lose weight after 50 years, correspond to a diet 8 of medical tables of the Soviet dietology.
The question how to lose weight in 50 years faces women more often. Women are more subject to obesity. Especially it becomes noticeable during a menopause. The hormonal imbalance of this period becomes the reason of increase in weight. The diet for women of 50 years has to not only influence body weight, but also normalize a metabolism and a hormonal state. It is important to limit strongly animal fats, an overeating of carbohydrates. After 50 years it is desirable to connect treatment to a diet herbs which contain phytoestrogen, diuretic and soothing components.
Except a diet exercise stresses help to lose weight. In 50 years and after exercise have to be moderate, taking into account associated diseases. Sometimes desire to lose weight forces to buy any biological active additive to food. Remember that it not medicine, and, so efficiency of means is not proved by any research. But you for certain feel side effect. Laxative and diuretic effect of such drugs, unfortunately, is hardly transferred after 50 years as influences blood electrolytes, cardiac performance. There is also registered obesity medicine (сибутрамин, орлистат). To you according to indications the attending physician can appoint them.
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