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How to lose weight in 10 days

The diet for 10 days is one of ways of bystry weight loss without harm for an organism. If to observe consistently all steps of this method, then the lost weight will remain also after end of a diet.

The general principles of weight loss in 10 days

Диета на 7 - 10 дней способна поддерживать нормальный обмен веществ при достаточно тяжелых ограничениях в питанииSometimes there is a need to lose extra kilos for limited time, for example, before some special event. It is important not just to learn how to lose weight in 10 days, but also to set the received result with preservation of the reached weight.

That excess kilocalories were not laid off in fatty tissue, it is necessary to limit their receipt, and also to provide a sufficient exercise stress, that is to spend energy. It is the fact which is known long ago. The diet for 7 - 10 days is capable to support a normal metabolism at rather heavy restrictions in food. Before losing weight in 10 days, it is necessary to weigh the forces and it is correct to estimate the state of health, at a diet there are 2 fasting days. At chronic diseases of a digestive tract it is previously best of all to consult with the doctor about a possibility of carrying out such diet.

For many such diet can become just rescue and a solution how to lose weight in 10 days, the general loss of body weight will make from 4 to 10 kg depending on initial weight.

It is important that the quantity of the eaten food stuffs did not exceed the designated norm, and the last time is recommended to be eaten not later than 4 hours before going to bed.

The menu for weight loss in 10 days

Day 1

The diet for 10 days has to begin with a competent entrance to it. Before losing weight in 10 days, the organism should adapt to a new diet, and the whole first day is devoted to it, and also removal of excess water and slags.

On the eve of this day it is necessary to trouble in a thermos buckwheat that is it in the first day of a diet. All amount of the made buckwheat should be divided into three meals – in the morning, for lunch and for dinner. Also at supper it is necessary to drink a glass of kefir, and throughout the day to have unsweetened green tea how many there is a wish. After a dinner it is possible to have green tea only.

Day 2

This day diets for weight loss in 10 days need to be provided an organism with protein. It allows to include energy of own reserves of fats and carbohydrates in an expense. As a source of protein 500 g of low-fat cottage cheese undertake, also 3-4 apples of green grades are added to the menu. It is during the day recommended to alternate these dishes, and between meals to drink as much as possible water or green unsweetened tea.

Day 3

The diet of this day joins the boiled not polished rice filled with a small amount of olive oil and tomato juice without salt (1,5 liters for days). Between meals it is obligatory to drink water.

Day 4

The middle of a diet for 10 days comes nearer, and it is possible to notice the first positive takes. Usually by this moment there occurs loss of 2 - 3 extra kilos. In the menu of the fourth day – 400 g of the boiled or baked in a foil fish. And here green vegetables – the second component in a diet of this day – can be used in unlimited number, but without salt. The volume of the drunk water also should not be limited.

Day 5

The menu of this day is similar to the first day of a diet for weight loss in 10 days. Again it is possible to eat steamed buckwheat, it is desirable without salt and to drink a glass of kefir (kefir this time can be replaced with a glass of milk). Green unsweetened tea – without restrictions.

Восьмой день диеты на 10 дней – молочныйDay 6

Usually by this day diets for 7 – 10 days of people feels muscular weakness and quickly is tired. There passed already enough time that there were visible results from a diet, but for an organism it is all the same a stress. This day it is allowed to eat 300 g of boiled meat (beef or veal) and the fresh vegetables salad filled with olive oil. It will saturate an organism with protein and carbohydrates, and will allow to feel much better.

Day 7

After an insignificant respite in the form of expansion of a diet the day before the feeling of hunger is transferred much easier, and the organism is ready to take out the most unlucky day in this marathon of weight loss. The green tea made in low-fat milk will be the only dish in a diet of this day. The volume of drink which needs to be drunk per day makes 1 liter.

Day 8

The eighth day of a diet for 10 days – milk. About 1,5 liters of kefir are allowed to drink and to eat 300 g of low-fat cottage cheese without sugar.

Day 9

This day the organism should give unloading on not carbonated mineral water – it is allowed to be drunk in unlimited number. Having a snack is also resolved by green apples and a kiwi.

Day 10

In end of a diet it is necessary to leave correctly it to be prepared for a usual food allowance. For saturation of an organism it is necessary to eat with cellulose this day porridge with dried fruits or pieces of fresh fruit. From fruit the use of bananas and grapes as very caloric products is not recommended.

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