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How to force itself to lose weight

If you do not know how to force itself to lose weight, then it is necessary to begin process with definition of the purposes and motives for weight loss. Psychologists Каждая девушка не раз думала о том, как заставить себя похудетьclaim that planning of the schedule of weight loss and daily self-motivation yield the best results in fight against excess weight. It is necessary to be convinced that the chosen purposes are really necessary and are worth it to strain, weight loss will change the most part of your life and will occupy the most part of time. It is better to set as the purpose specific figure on which there is desire to become more harmonious, then subconsciously you will do everything possible to reach the necessary weight. Then, depending on personal preferences it is necessary to choose a diet and a complex of physical exercises which will lead you to achievement of a goal.

How to force itself to lose weight: psychology

Before starting any diet or physical exercises, it is necessary it will be convinced that you make up the mind to this step without hatred to yourself and with internal self-confidence. This aspect is very important as if initially itself not to like and not to perceive the body such what it is at the psychological level the organism will perceive a diet as punishment. The more positively and with bigger love you will treat the body already now, before weight loss, the it will be easier for you to be given this difficult period of restrictions in food and physical exercises. If not to love itself in the form in which the body until transformation looks, then hardly after weight loss this love will come also to the updated outward.

Very correct and efficient approach to weight loss from the point of view of psychology how to force itself to lose weight is drawing up the list of 10 traits of character and parts of a body which intending to lose weight appreciates and loves in himself most of all. It can be laughter, a smile, gait, ears, nails, eyes or something else. Then it is necessary to make the similar list, it will be necessary to specify only in it what most of all in you is appreciated and loved by surrounding people. For this purpose it is necessary to interview with addiction of the colleagues or relatives, and on the basis of their answers to find those traits of character or parts of a body which will match. After drawing up both lists need to be hung up on a foreground visually constantly to face it both again and again to remind itself of the merits.

Thus, instead of going in cycles in hated parts of a body, the person appreciates and thanks himself for the fact that he has also for what in itself loves. However to gain the maximum effect of any diet or physical exercises over time it is necessary to fall in love with all himself entirely. It can achieve, having looked at the body in a new way or on the other hand. So if, for example, most of all person in himself does not like dense hips, it is necessary to place emphasis not on their completeness, and, for example, on color or smoothness of skin, in, the general, on what this part of a body can be pleasant and is constant to itself remind of it. With each lost kilogram of a hip will become is more harmonious also podtyanuty and over time they will begin to be pleasant to the person really, without auto-suggestion.

How to force itself to lose weight: motivation

Список целей — один из вариантов того, как заставить себя похудеть Not less important aspect in a question of loss of excess weight is the motivation. Anything can be it, for example, to lose weight to get into a final dress which will be smaller on two sizes than what sits on a figure at present.

If the specific goal cannot be put, then it is necessary to relax in the quiet place and to listen to itself. Then it is necessary to concentrate the attention on the reasons why weight loss you need so and to think how you will feel when you become more slender what clothes you will wear and how to behave.

For bigger understanding of motivation how to force itself to lose weight, important to make the list of short-term objectives (to buy new clothes for the summer), the medium-term purposes (in 40 years to look better, than you looked in 25) and the lifelong purposes (always to look good and perfectly to feel).

Now, when you know why you want to become more slender, it is necessary to choose pleasant daily procedures which will be able to stimulate you to achievement of these purposes, such as scrubbing of a body, a pedicure, manicure or artificial suntan.

Reward yourself every time when weight is lost (campaigns to the massage therapist or the cosmetologist, purchase of cosmetics or clothes of the smaller size).

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