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Trout caloric content

Trout – one of the fishes of family, most valuable to food, salmon. The unique structure and low caloric content of a trout allow to recommend it in food of the most different people.

How many calories in a trout

При низкой калорийности форель обладает уникальными вкусовыми качествамиCaloric content of a trout about 150 kcal on 100 g of a product, at the same time it contains 23 g of protein and 14,2 g of fats, valuable to a human body. Group B vitamins, and also phosphorus, Niacinum (B3 vitamin), iodine, potassium, zinc, irreplaceable amino acids and the Omega the 3 and 6 polyunsaturated fatty acids which reduce the cholesterol level (especially if to season fish with balsam vinegar) in blood are a part of a trout and maintain elasticity of tissues of human body. Besides the river trout is rich with vitamin D.

Except low caloric content, the trout has the mass of valuable characteristics, in particular, thanks to a combination of polyunsaturated fatty acids and B3 vitamin (Niacinum). The complex of these elements allows to maintain normal turgor of integuments and to provide them a full-fledged protective barrier. Therefore specialists recommend to include within eighteen days in a row in a diet the trout which is (especially steamed) as the alimentary rejuvenating means.

Omega 3 fatty acids allow a human body to remain as long as possible young as reduce risk of development of senile dementia (Alzheimer's disease) and stroke, and also protect heart from atherosclerosis. Taking into account it, and also the low caloric content of a trout, it is recommended to include in a diet to people of advanced age at least two weekly.

Except advantage and low caloric content the trout has tremendous tastes. It is also important that this fish does not survive in reservoirs with doubtful quality of water, thus, its environmental friendliness is guaranteed.

Along with the low caloric content of a trout it is appreciated the full-fledged and easily acquired protein. There is an opinion that the regular use of a trout in food promotes decrease in risk of development of oncological diseases, contributes to normalization of arterial pressure, helps to struggle with a seasonal depression and improves memory.

There are also data allowing to claim that the trout positively influences formation of erythrocytes, protein metabolism and assimilation of glucose. It is considered that the people who are regularly eating a trout are steadier against harmful sunlight.

In addition to low caloric content, the trout is rather hypoallergenic therefore it is suitable for food of allergic persons, and also sick psoriasis and a diabetes mellitus. Thanks to the small number of calories, the trout is irreplaceable in food of the people aiming to reduce body weight. The organism spends for its digestion about three hours then all its valuable substances get to blood.

Trout: calories and recommendations to the use

Калорийность форели в 100 г – 150 ккалDespite the small number of calories in trout and its advantage, the people having problems with digestion should use it with care and in small amounts.

The most tasty is fresh-caught chilled trout which was not exposed to freezing. Kitchens of different people of the world offer various trout dishes, at the same time prepare it on a grill and on couple, bake, fry and salt, fill with a lemon and ginger, give with greens.

Trout so tasty fish that does not demand a special delicacy at preparation. The abdomen is enough to salt, pepper, stuff with greens and a lemon the cleared, drawn and washed up fish and to bake in a foil. A special delicacy it is possible to call a shish kebab from the trout which is previously pickled in dry white wine and herbs, and then prepared on coals. Serve a trout with sauce for which preparation mix low-fat sour cream, lemon juice and black ground pepper; sometimes add pieces of olives.

Whether you know that:

Even if heart of the person does not fight, then he all the same can live during a long period, as the Norwegian fisherman Jan Revsdal showed us. Its "motor" stopped for 4 hours after the fisherman got lost and fell asleep in snow.