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Peas caloric content

Peas – a herbaceous annual plant, are considered nearly the most popular representative of family bean.

Being one of the most ancient cultures (not less than 3000 years), peas are for a long time known in our territories and entered folklore a saying "it was still in the days of yore".Гороховая диета - принципы правильного похудения

High popularity this plant deserved useful to properties – a large amount of A, B, C and PP vitamins, and also the minerals which are its part (potassium, phosphorus, selenium and iron). Also peas contain in enough amino acid, important for an organism, – a lysine, and the high content of protein allows to consider it adequate replacement to meat dishes.

Peas contain also the pyridoxine promoting splitting and synthesis of amino acids that in turn is prevention of development of dermatitis and spasms.

Allocate three groups of grades of a plant. Peas caloric content, its useful properties and a way of preparation depend on to what group it belongs:

  • Shelling peas with peas of a round form and rigid shutters, as a rule, are used for drying and further use in preparation of various dishes – soups, puree, garnishes. Caloric content of peas dried makes 298-311 kcal in 100 g;
  • In sugar peas sweet fleshy beans with slightly underdeveloped grain are especially appreciated. The fact that seeds during drying morshchinitsya that is caused by the high content of moisture in a crude seed is characteristic of this grade;
  • Fresh peas of brain grades have also round form, but in process of ripening they gradually shrivel, reminding a brain. Because of a large amount of sucrose they have rather sweet taste. These grades are eaten most often fresh or used for conservation. They are considered unsuitable for heat treatment as during cooking are not softened. Caloric content of peas of brain grades is correlated to the caloric content of other grades of a fresh plant.

Peas caloric content in a fresh and tinned look

This plant was called in Russia "tsar Gorokh" not accidentally as peas are widely applied in a diet. It is eaten as crude, and used as ingredient at preparation of a set of various dishes – from porridges, soups, noodles and kissel to pea cheese.

On nutritiousness, a charge of energy and rather low caloric content peas take a leading place among the majority of vegetables. According to many nutritionists, in a year it is necessary to eat not less than 4 kg of a green pot.

Caloric content of green peas varies from 81 to 84 kcal. As fresh green peas contain proteins, vitamins, antioxidants and many useful minerals, it is recommended to be eaten against the background of:

  • Hypertensions;
  • Atherosclerosis;
  • Chronic gastritis;
  • Diabetes mellitus;
  • Obesity;
  • Peptic ulcer.

These useful properties of peas were known long since, and Hippocrates advised it is as supportive application at treatment of diseases of cardiovascular system, anemia and craw.

The low caloric content of green peas and its antioxidant properties which are reducing probability of development of many heart troubles, and also slowing down processes of aging of an organism allow to include it in a food allowance both to children, and adults.

Caloric content of tinned peas of only 55 kcal in 100 g, at the same time in it all useful properties of fresh beans remain. In a tinned look doctors and nutritionists recommend to add peas to a food allowance of people with a diabetes mellitus and diseases of cardiovascular system.

Also low caloric content of tinned peas does it by useful ingredient of many vegetable salads. Traditional it is added to Russian salad and vinaigrette. It allows to improve vitamin mineral composition of these dishes that is especially useful during the autumn and winter periods.

Peas caloric content in dishes

Pea soup belongs to dishes which main ingredient are dried peas. Thanks to tastes and low caloric content pea soup in various variations can be met in traditional cuisines of many people of the world. Depending on a grade of peas its color (from gray-yellow to yellow), and also caloric content can vary. Caloric content of pea soup (in 100 g) averages 66 kcal.

Pea puree also belongs to dishes which are prepared from dried peas, however the caloric content of pea puree is slightly higher, than soup, and makes 90-102 kcal in 100 g. As well as other peas, puree dishes it is saturated proteins that allows to include it in a diet of athletes. Also low caloric content of pea puree allows to include it in structure of various diets and fasting days, and if necessary it is possible to replace with such porridge some meat dishes.

Pea diet: pluses and minuses

There is an opinion that, despite of low caloric content, peas are not a dietary product because of unpleasant digestive symptoms, namely – the meteorism caused by it. However, according to many nutritionists, peas can be used as a part of the dietary menu owing to its useful properties.

Carry to the main pluses of a pea diet:

  • Its good tolerance;
  • Preservation of muscle bulk;
  • An opportunity to prepare various dishes;
  • Balance of the main food components;
  • Availability of the products which are a part of this diet;
  • Ease of the principles of preparation of dishes that allows to observe it even to inexperienced culinary specialists;
  • Lack of feeling of hunger;
  • The rejuvenating effect of observance of a pea diet, and also improvement of an integument.

Peas dishes, especially in the form of porridge, it is recommended to eat not only as a part of a diet for weight loss, and and against the background of the increased arterial pressure, anemia, an anemia and diseases of kidneys.Калорийность зеленого горошка, его полезные для организма свойства

Carry a meteorism which can arise at its observance to the main minuses of a pea diet.

The pea diet is not among the rigid diets demanding there are products which are exclusively specified in it. Its basic rule is inclusion in the day menu at least of one peas dish. The only condition is that the dish has to be not high-calorific.

In a week (usual time of observance of a diet) thanks to the low caloric content of peas it is possible to lose weight on 2-4 kg.

Despite the low caloric content of peas and its useful properties, for observance of this diet there is a number of contraindications. So, against the background of gout, an inflammation of a stomach and intestines, and also at acute nephrite it is better to limit the use of peas.

Whether you know that:

Statistically, on Mondays the risk of getting injured of a back increases by 25%, and risk of heart attack – for 33%. Be careful.