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Halvah caloric content

Halvah – the known east sweet. Actually there are several types of this confectionery. How many in halvah of calories? Everything depends on structure of a product and its quantity. On the one hand, nutritionists are incited categorically against this sweet, on the other hand there are also diets for weight loss by means of halvah. Whether are dangerous to a calorie figure in halvah? Let's try to understand this article.Рассчитываем сколько в халве калорий и допустимые суточные нормы ее употребления

Caloric content of halvah of different grades

In Russia in food, generally use halvah from ground grains of oil-bearing crops. There is a peanut, sunflower, takhinny, nut halvah. There is a lot of calories in any halvah because of high energy value of its components. Weight from seeds or nuts, caramel or honey, and also special frother is a part of such halvah. Frother is necessary for receiving special layer-by-layer structure of halvah. In this quality the root of a glycyrrhiza, a mallow, a kolyuchelistnik or ovalbumin can act.

Halvah caloric content makes 523 kilocalories on 100 grams of seeds of sunflower. It can make a third of the need for calories per day for many patients with obesity at once. And, It should be noted that halvah rather heavy. Even the small piece can weigh 100-150 grams. Halvah caloric content from a peanut is a little less, than sunflower. Nutrition value of this product is approximately equal to 500 kilocalories. The peanut possesses useful vitamin mineral composition. Consumption of such halvah can be useful at osteoporosis, a depression, decrease in memory. But for health it is enough to eat 20-30 grams a day.

How many in halvah of calories if to mean takhinny halvah? Takhinna is called sweet from ground sesame. To taste this halvah is similar to peanut. It is especially popular on the Balkans, the Middle East. Caloric content of halvah of this grade makes about 510 kilocalories. Nut halvah is grades from pistachios, almonds, cashew, walnut. Calories in halvah in this case there can be from 500 to 575 kilocalories in 100 grams. Different additives can increase halvah caloric content even more. If you eat this product with addition of chocolate, cocoa, raisin, then be ready to a bigger energy value. For example, halvah caloric content in chocolate makes about 535 kilocalories.

In our country halvah from flour, vegetables, milk, cotton candy is practically not on sale. We are not familiar with these original oriental sweets yet. Caloric content of halvah of such rare grades can be from 300 to 500 kilocalories that too there is a lot of.Калорийность халвы - арахисовой, подсолнечной, тахинной, ореховой

Calories in halvah and fight for a figure

Of course, the traditional medicine recommends to refuse any kind of a product that who has extra kilos. There is a lot of calories in halvah, and even the small portion can nullify a deprivation diet completely. Several pieces of sweet can appear more on nutrition value, than a standard lunch or a dinner. However, now some nutritionists consider halvah as a diet component for weight loss. Halvah caloric content very high, but its property is as well ability to suppress appetite for a long time. After 30 grams of halvah many feel such satiety that are ready to refuse a dinner in general. If other ways to lose weight seem to you not too attractive, then try to lose weight by means of the diet based on halvah. Per day it is possible to eat 200 grams of a product. Halvah caloric content is approximately equal in such quantity to 1000-1050 kilocalories. Except sweet in a day it is possible to eat unlimited number of crude vegetables (cucumbers, tomatoes, cabbage). Thirst should be satisfied with unsweetened tea or drinking water. It is possible to eat on this system about 3 days without harm for health. Halvah caloric content at such diet will not do harm to a figure. Because this confectionery is excessive sugar rich and fat, hunger during such diet is almost not felt.

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