Pain in heart (in the left part of a thorax) received the collective name of a cardialgia. Cardiac pains arise for the most different reasons. Many of them are connected with diseases of vessels on which blood and oxygen are delivered to various departments of heart. In medical practice it is considered to be that such pains are potentially life-threatening states as they can be a symptom of stenocardia, stroke, myocardial infarction and other serious diseases. On the other hand, quite often pain syndrome is not connected with defeats of coronary vessels in any way. In this case doctors say that at the patient the pure cardialgia which symptoms do not pose threat for human life is observed.
So, as you can see, the cardialgia (you will find the description of symptoms of a disease in our article) can arise for the most different reasons. It is important to understand that pain in heart – it is not obligatory a harbinger of heavy complications, but also to self-medicate we do not advise you too. The optimal variant – to address the experienced cardiologist who will decide why there was a cardialgia whether its symptoms pose a threat for the patient and that should be undertaken to get rid of unpleasant feelings.
As you already understood, any pain in the left part of a breast is considered as a cardialgia, the exact diagnosis is not made yet if, of course, there are no strong reasons to suspect a heart attack or a stroke. Let's talk about the most common causes and symptoms of pain syndromes.
Quite often the cardialgia is a sign of development of neurocirculatory dystonia. The disease is characterized by long pains, overfatigue, feeling of a defective breath. Headaches and constant feeling of alarm in the most insignificant occasions are also possible. Reception of nitroglycerine does not save the patient from unpleasant feelings that it is quite natural if it is valid a cardialgia (symptoms of a disease are not connected with vasoconstriction and therefore nitroglycerine will be inefficient).
Pains in the left part of a breast can be caused by osteochondrosis and hernia of an intervertebral disk. At the same time intensity of feelings does not depend on the size of exercise stresses in any way, and amplifies only at certain provisions and the movements of hands or the heads. The most severe pains arise during sleep when the person reflex takes away hands for a back or parts them in the parties. Certainly, such cardialgia is not connected with heart diseases in any way, and the orthopedist has to remove the cause of its emergence.
The cervicobrachial syndrome leads to squeezing of subclavial veins and arteries. As result, the person feels pain in the left part of a body when carrying weights in hands or at a raising of hands up. Also at patients fall of temperature of a body, puffiness of brushes, a lowering of arterial pressure is noted. You should not be frightened, it is again a cardialgia which symptoms testify to a pathological hypertrophy or existence of an additional cervical edge.
Quite often stethalgias are caused by intercostal neuralgia, shingles or a neurinoma of roots. The last disease leads to development of so strong pain syndrome that patients are not helped even by morphine. This fact, by the way, is an indirect demonstration for statement of the correct diagnosis.
At persons 40 years very often are more senior the syndrome to Tittsa or a thickening of costal cartilages develops. As well as in all above described cases, these diseases are accompanied by a cardialgia (the description of symptoms of a disease allows to reveal without effort a real source of pains). Unpleasant feelings pass at reception of an ibuprofen, analginum or Brufenum.
If you suffer from obesity, then be not surprised if you suddenly have a cardialgia. Also the people leading a slow-moving life will surely meet it. As a rule, pains arise right after food and quite often confuse them to stenocardia. Competently collected anamnesis will help to make the exact diagnosis.
Pains of the aching and pricking character in the left part of a thorax are the usual satellite of a pulmonary hypertension, pleurisy, myocarditis and pericardis. Besides they are often confused to a cardialgia as character of a basic disease allows to draw such conclusion. Only full inspection of the patient and experience of the doctor can help here.
Also the climax at mature women, and also frustration of the alimentary system, an injury, an infection and tens of diseases is followed by feeling of squeezing in a breast. In all these cases of people pain in heart feels, alarm, depression and fear. It seems to it that life is over that its "motor" fulfilled the and needs serious treatment. Do not hurry with conclusions! As practice shows, approximately in 60% of cases the cardiologist makes the diagnosis a cardialgia and sends the patient for consultation to other specialists.
The 74-year-old resident of Australia James Harrison became blood donor about 1000 times. It has a rare blood group which antibodies help to survive the newborn with a severe form of anemia. Thus, the Australian saved about two million children.
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