Caries – destruction of teeth which has the localized and progressing character. Caries begins organic acids of an inorganic basis of an adamantine substance of tooth with destruction. Demineralization process is inevitably followed by organic destruction of tooth with the subsequent formation of a cavity and infection. More than 95% of people long caries in this or that stage for statistical data.
The susceptibility of a tooth surface to caries depends on a large number of factors:
Stomatologists of the whole world allocate the following reasons of caries:
The reasons of caries of teeth do not influence one by one an onset of the illness and development of caries. It is system process which consists of a set of factors.
Caries as the progressing disease, has several stages of development. Let's shortly consider the main stages of caries:
It is possible to carry cervical caries to a special kind of caries – the name corresponds to the place of developing of caries on tooth, in a tooth neck at the gingiva. Cervical caries arises and develops in this place of tooth thanks to a weak layer of enamel in a neck and inaccessibility of this place at the procedure of care of teeth.
Process of developing of caries takes place slowly therefore it is visually easy for adult to find it and in order that development of caries had no continuation, it is necessary to address the stomatologist at once. Caries at children arises with the same symptoms, as at adults therefore parents are obliged to check periodically dental health of the kid (even milk), and at emergence of the first visible symptoms of caries of a message of the child to the doctor. In this case development of caries in the child will be stopped.
Diagnosis of caries is possible only if you regularly visit the stomatologist. Deep caries is diagnosed without difficulties – visually. Diagnosis of caries at early stages is made by means of roentgenograms and a thermodiagnostic.
Diagnosis of initial caries is carried out by the transluminescences method, i.e. tooth raying from a reverse side a strong ray of light. Early diagnosis of caries allows the doctor to carry out treatment in time and to stop development of caries.
At an initial stage treatment of caries is carried out by method of remineralizing therapy (application) with preliminary cleaning of tooth of a plaque.
Treatment of caries of superficial, average and deep stages is carried out by method of removal of the struck fabric. Then sealing of a carious cavity is made. It is necessary to remember that earlier treatment of caries sealing allows to keep tooth in a healthy state longer.
If not to carry out treatment of caries in time, then caries can get more severe form, for example, to pass into periodontitis or a pulpitis, with the subsequent loss of tooth.
Prevention of caries much more reduces risk of developing of a disease. Especially important to parents to control holding preventive actions. Caries at children, especially small age is "merit" of parents who did not react to visible changes of teeth or to complaints of the child in time.
Enters preventive actions:
Stomatologists appeared relatively recently. In the 19th century to pull out painful teeth belonged to duties of the ordinary hairdresser.
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