
The carp is artificially brought fish. Chinese possess this merit. At first fish was popular preferential in Asia, but over time got also to Europe where were engaged in preparation of a carp in many Catholic monasteries and notable palaces. In the Czech Republic, by the way, the carp is a traditional dish for Christmas.

Карп сырой


The carp is the little cultivated species of a sazan, belongs to family of cyprinid. This small fish not accidentally is called so. "Carp" in translation from Greek means "harvest". Fish received the name for extreme fertility and rapid growth: the large female is capable to sweep out nearly 1,5 million berries.

The homeland of fish is China. According to sources it is possible to learn that in food it was used in 1000 B.C., it was considered as a favourite dish of many Chinese emperors.

A bit later the carp became popular also in other countries of Asia, and later got also to Europe. In Europe fish was apprehended doubly – both as food and as decorative. In England and the Czech Republic artificial ponds for cultivation of fish were created, and on a table of the ostrogothic king Theoderich the carp was constant attribute. In the USA the first mentioning of a carp meets in 1877, at the time of a severe economic depression when in the country strong decline of the industry and production was observed that, naturally, it was necessary to compensate by import of inexpensive products from abroad.

The carp prefers to live in standing, quiet or quietly fluid waters with a firm clay bottom. It is often possible to meet him in water reservoirs, lakes and the rivers. It is widespread and in some reservoirs of Central Asia and Siberia. In Ukraine he lives practically in all rivers, only in absolutely small amount.

Externally young carp is similar to a crucian, only with longer and thick body. Lips at it active and massive, and along all back the wide fin lasts. At a color carp very beautiful color. Dark and gold scales about a fin pass into a bluish shade and in light-golden below. A tail at fish of saturated-red color, and fins have dark-violet color.

Now there are several species of a carp. For example, the breed removed in the genetic way "a mirror carp" is known that it has practically no scales. And at a ramchaty carp scales can be seen only on spin and a belly. Japanese removed in due time interesting breed "which", whose representatives differ in the interesting color which is poured in white, orange-golden and black colors.

There are many recipes of preparation of a carp. The most widespread way of its preparation is roasting in a foil, previously having stuffed it with vegetables or mushrooms, having greased with sour cream. Simpler recipe of preparation of a carp is his frying in a large amount of vegetable oil on a pig-iron frying pan. In general, meat at this fish tasty, has gentle and slightly sweet smack. It is possible to boil also a carp, and, not only in water, and for example, in beer with spices. Very tasty carp soups turn out.

Structure and caloric content of a carp

100 g of meat of a carp contain 76,31 g of water, 5,6 g of fats, 17,83 g of proteins. There is at this small fish a large amount of vitamins: vitamin A, vitamins of group B, PP, K, E, C; macrocells: magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, sodium; microelements: selenium, zinc, manganese, iron, copper.

Caloric content of a carp quite low that does his meat useful to the people aiming at a body degrowth. On 100 g the caloric content of a carp makes about 127 kcal.

Карп жареный

Useful properties of a carp

Thanks to the rich content of vitamins (And, groups B, PP, C, E) macro - and microelements, antioxidants, the carp is useful to the people having problems with a head or spinal cord. Its regular use in food favorably affects on health of skin and mucous membranes, normalizes nervous and digestive systems, normalizes sugar level in blood. Meat of a carp is useful also at diseases of a thyroid gland.


In general, the carp has no contraindications. The only thing what it is worth paying attention to that fish it is quite unpretentious in food. It eats mollusks, maggots, worms that often leads to the fact that along with useful substances in fish collect also harmful, capable to lead to deterioration in health of the person.

It is necessary to consider also the fact that growth accelerators, antibiotics and various dyes often are added to a forage of the fish who is grown up in artificial conditions.

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