Main > Diseases> Cataract


Cataract – a cataract which leads to decrease in sight, and in certain cases and to its full loss. This disease is the most common cause of a blindness which is treated by means of drugs, and in the started forms operation of a cataract is performed.Катаракта - помутнение хрусталика

Biological aging, influence of radiation or some diseases (diabetes mellitus) are the reasons of a cataract of an eye. Development of a phacoscotasmus leads to emergence or strengthening of short-sightedness at which sight close improves and sight afar worsens.

The cataract can be partial or full, stationary or progressive, firm or soft. Main types of an age cataract are the nuclear sclerosis, a cortical cataract and a zadnekapsulyarny cataract of eyes.

For the first time removal of a cataract was carried out 2 centuries ago by the surgeon Jacques Deviel.

Cataract symptoms

Symptoms of a cataract are various and depend on cataract type. The most common symptoms of a cataract are:

  • Loss of ability to distinguish colors;
  • Sharp decrease in sight;
  • Patches of light in eyes;
  • Loss of ability to read or write without points;
  • Coloring of a pupil in white color (at the bulking-up cataract);
  • The raised or lowered photosensitivity.

Cataract reasons

The age is the most common cause of a cataract. The denaturation of proteins of a crystalline lens degrades eventually, and this process accelerates such diseases as diabetes and a hypertension. Eventually environment factors, including light, toxins and radiation, have property to collect. These factors aggravate loss of protective and recovery mechanisms in connection with changes in an expression of genes and chemical processes in eyes.

Ultraviolet radiation and microwaves can also be the cataract reasons. Reception of such drugs as corticosteroids, кветиапин and antipsychotic drugs, is the reason of emergence and development of a cataract of eyes.

Smoking of cigarettes leads to double increase in speed of a nuclear cataract and to sclerous triple increase in a back subkapsulyarny cataract.

Various diseases which are among can be the reasons of a cataract:

  • Iodine deficiency;
  • Disbolism;
  • Aminoaciduria or Lowe's syndrome;
  • Diabetes mellitus;
  • Fabri's disease;
  • Galactosemia;
  • Homocystinuria;
  • Hyperparathyreosis;
  • Hypoparathyrosis;
  • Hypervitaminosis of D;
  • Hypothyroidism;
  • Wilson-Konovalov's disease;
  • Inborn syphilis;
  • Rubella;
  • Leprosy;
  • Onchocercosis;
  • Toxoplasmosis;
  • Chicken pox;
  • Aniridiya;
  • Uveitis;
  • Pigmental retinitis.

Treatment of a cataract

Operation of a cataract begins with the anesthesia of eyes which is carried out by means of an injection or simple eye drops.Капли Квинакс - препарат для лекарственного удаления катаракты

Surgical treatment of a cataract can be performed by the following methods:

  • Ekstrakapsulyarny extraction of a cataract;
  • Laser fakoemulsifikation;
  • Intrakapsulyarny extraction of a cataract;
  • Ultrasonic fakoemulsifikation.

The postoperative recovery period (the period after removal of a cataract), as a rule, lasts not for long. After operation it is recommended to avoid sharp movements and tension within a month.

Serious complications after removal of a cataract are amotio of a retina of an eye and an entophthalmia. In both cases there is a sudden decrease in sight accompanied with pain. Retina amotio often addresses with unilateral defect of a field of vision, a veil eyes, flashes of light or floating spots.

Medicinal removal of a cataract is possible at early stages of a disease and is carried out by means of such medicines as:

  • Vitaphakolum;
  • Vitaiodurolum тифосаденин;
  • Isodiquarrystone;
  • Katakhr офтан;
  • Квинакс;
  • Senkatalin;
  • Taufon.

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