The keratitis is an inflammatory disease of a cornea which is followed by its opacification, and in certain cases - heavy damages of horn substance and decrease in sight up to a total blindness. The keratitis is provoked:
It should be noted that the keratitis of an eye is very serious medical problem. The keratitis leads to opacification of a cornea, emergence of commissures, permanent decrease in sight, development of a panophthalmia and entophthalmia. Besides, characteristic of a disease is its long current - up to several months in especially hard cases.
The most common form of a disease is the superficial catarral keratitis which symptoms develop against the background of conjunctivitis, a chronic dacryocystitis, a blepharitis. Patients have a dacryagogue, a photophobia, sharp eye pain. On edge of a cornea formation of single or drain infiltrates is noted. In the absence of treatment it burgeons vessels.
The virus keratitis – is provoked by a virus of a herpes simplex or shingles. At patients rash in the form of small bubbles in upper eyelids, a forehead, a ridge of the nose and on a corneous layer of an eye is shown. Such keratitis – very painful. Quite often the disease is thrown on the iris of the eye or nerve terminations innervating muscles of eyes that leads to glaucoma and dysfunction of eye muscles. At the diagnosis a virus keratitis treatment often is inefficient. Moreover, patients can feel severe pains even after the disease begins to decline, and cannot save the person from tortures, including, and strong analgetics.
The herpetic keratitis – is quite often shown during acute viral infections, for example, of flu. Very often it complicates timely diagnosis of a disease as people connect unpleasant feelings and eye pains with one of displays of the arisen infection. Meanwhile if in time not to see a doctor, the herpetic keratitis can go beyond a cornea and strike other parts of an eye. The increased lachrymation and a photophobia are considered as the first signs of this form. Also patients complain of swelling a century, an inflammation of blood vessels and feeling of existence of a foreign body in an eye. Over time the disease leads to formation of ulcers on the surface of corneal fabric and to formation of a cataract.
The fungal keratitis – comes to light much more less than other forms, but proceeds very hard and leads to serious complications. The main danger is connected with the fact that the activator gets into an anterior chamber of an eye where it is almost impossible to influence it by means of standard medicines. As a rule, the fungal keratitis begins to develop after hit in an eye of foreign objects. In special risk group there are people who endured a serious illness of eyes, or suffering from exhaustion of protective forces of an organism.
The main signs of a keratitis are characteristic of any form of this disease. First of all, It should be noted the following symptoms of a keratitis:
If the keratitis of an eye was caused as a result of traumatizing a cornea by foreign bodys, then at patients formation of a purulent bag is possible. If heavy infections became the reason of a keratitis, patients can suffer in addition from a hyperadenosis, an obsypaniye of face skin and its swelling.
The main task of doctors – to remove a corneal syndrome (by means of novocaine or Dimexidum) and to block area of an inflammation. The last problem is solved by purpose of microdoses of corticosteroids, streptocides, pyramidon. Also sick it is necessary to improve a trophicity of eyes that is reached at the expense of vitamins and Dibazolum.
If the started keratitis is found in the patient, treatment is carried out in the conditions of a hospital. The main actions are directed to an arrest of development of inflammatory process, strengthening of immunity and regeneration of corneal fabric. During treatment antiviral means are used: interferon, tebrofenovy or oxolinic ointments, solutions of an idoksuridin and deoxyribonuclease.
Good efficiency in treatment of a keratitis was shown by immunomodulators: polyacrylamide, Poludanum, pyrogenal in the form of eye drops and injections. Appoint the patient and mydriatic means, and at accession of consecutive infections – antibiotics. Also the obligatory course of treatment of a keratitis includes the use of vitamins, niacin, Dibazolum, Suprastinum and tavegil.
For the prevention of distribution of inflammatory process from affected areas scratch out an epithelium and cauterize them ether, iodine or alcohol. With the same purpose are carried out: electrothermic coagulation, neurotomy, keratoplasty, treatment by Bukki's beams, lazerokoagulyation.
Blood of the person "runs" on vessels under huge pressure and at disturbance of their integrity is capable to shoot of distance to 10 meters.
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