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Кипрей узколистныйThe willow-herb is a high grass which has long leaves and large flowers of dark pink color. The plant absolutely on all continents meets, it is especially widespread in zones with a temperate climate. Well the willow-herb grows in the lit places, such as flat coast of streams and rivers, cuttings down, a meadow and ashes. In the Russian territory about 17 species of this plant grow, the most widespread is called "Fireweed".

The fact that the English name which is literally translated as "a fiery grass" (fireweed) reflects ability of a plant grow even on places of the fires is interesting. These properties of a willow-herb were especially shown during World War II as on places of explosions of bombs and various fires already on following or in the same year big glades with this plant began to appear.

According to biologists, rather big thickets of a willow-herb help to create a special microclimate which can be a little warmer, than the environment. It means that the plant is capable to help young trees as protects them from cold weather and winds. Also thanks to a willow-herb recovery of the wood which suffered from the fire can accelerate.

Use of a willow-herb

As the most popular Russian name of a plant is "Fireweed" or "koporsky tea", it is logical to assume that properties of a willow-herb allow to apply it as tea. At least, in the CIS countries such use – the most widespread. However, in other countries also other applications of a plant are found. For example, North Americans use raw materials as sweetener for ice cream, syrups and jelly. It is also known that the American Indians found application of a willow-herb in one of the traditional desserts which was called "sxusem".

Трава кипреяRoots, escapes and young leaves of a plant are allowed for consumption, however, at them slightly bitterish taste. It is noted that a plant richly various minerals and vitamins. Also the willow-herb is an excellent melliferous herb and, besides, honey which is built from it differs in remarkable curative properties and rich spiciness.

Traditional medicine uses plant raw materials for treatment of stomach diseases, kidneys, throats, prostates, a bladder and intestines as anti-inflammatory drug. It is considered that broth of a willow-herb is an excellent sleeplessness, headache, internal bleedings medicine and an anemia. Properties of a willow-herb helped it to be recognized and in official medicine where it is used for fight against various diseases of urinogenital system and tumors of a prostate.

Both in medicinal, and in the culinary purposes small flowers, leaves and young stalks of a plant are used. Preparation of stalks should be begun with their cutting which is made very close to the earth (it is supposed that they can even just be broken), and it is worth drying the prepared stalks down in flowers in well aired room. Use in any purposes of large and shaggy flowers which have purple or dark red color is not recommended.

To prepare medicinal tea, it is necessary to fill in 0,5 l. boiled water 2 tablespoons of dry flowers of a willow-herb and then to leave for several minutes to infuse. It is worth taking such drink only before food, but limit use it is necessary two cups a day.

All parts of a plant are rich with iron, tannins, tannins, flavonoids, manganese, and also vitamins A and Page.

Harm of a willow-herb

The plant can be harmful only at the long use, then some disturbances in work of intestines and stomach can be shown.

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Willow-herb piece filter package 20

34 rub.

Аптека вер.ру, ОООApteka вер.ру, LLC
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