The oothecoma represents a high-quality tumorous new growth in ovary tissue.
The pathological band space of a tumor is filled with various contents, most often liquid.
Young women of childbearing age treat risk group on incidence of an oothecoma, as a rule. In age category of women, is more senior than fifty years, the risk of formation of an oothecoma considerably decreases.
There are several different types of oothecomas:
- edometrioidny;
- follicular;
- mucinous;
- dermoid;
- paraovarian;
- oothecoma of a yellow body.
In most cases symptoms of an oothecoma of a yellow body are shown only on the one hand. Education walls reinforced. The tumor contains yellow liquid with blood impurity inside. The reasons of an oothecoma of a yellow body are covered that after an ovulation of a cell of a yellow body do not fill a follicle, it considerably increases in sizes and is filled with liquid contents.
The oothecoma of a yellow body and follicular cyst belong to new growths of functional character as form in the ovary as a result of the natural physiological processes proceeding monthly in a female body. The reasons promoting formation of these cysts is a hormonal failure in work of an organism. As a rule, similar oothecomas do not reach the big sizes, their education and growth proceed almost asymptomatically as do not cause to the woman of pain and discomfort. Often the disease is found absolutely accidentally, during planned survey by the gynecologist or as a result of ultrasonography.
At a paraovarian oothecoma symptoms of a disease develop in the appendage located over an ovary. The cyst represents the single-chamber tumor of a rounded or oval shape filled with transparent liquid contents. Thin, almost transparent, walls of a paraovarian oothecoma are penetrated by network of the smallest blood vessels. Age category of the women subject to this type of a disease, from 20 to 40 years. As a rule, the new growth has high-quality character and seldom covers pathological process an ovary.
The absolute majority of oothecomas develops asymptomatically and is diagnosed accidentally when passing by the woman of routine gynecologic inspection or ultrasonography.
At increase in a tumor in sizes manifestation of the following symptoms of an oothecoma is possible:
- the stomach in a circle increases;
- there is pain of various intensity - with feeling of weight, a raspiraniye, to sharp, pristupoobrazny pains (the severe acute pain can testify to a rupture of an oothecoma or torsion of a leg of a cyst);
- the usual menstrual cycle is broken (if the tumor produces hormones).
In the diagnostic purposes and for purpose of the correct treatment of an oothecoma in medical institution hold the following events:
- general gynecologic survey;
- ultrasound examination of internals by means of transabdominal and transvaginal sensors (the ultrasonography method is the most painless and reliable today);
- the cyst contents puncture made through a back vault of the vagina (the method shown at the complicated oothecomas);
- laparoscopic inspection (in addition to the most exact diagnostic method of cysts and a possibility of a research of their contents, the laparoscopy at the same time is the medical procedure);
- laboratory blood test on contents of onkomarker in it;
- a blood analysis on hemoglobin level;
- a pregnancy test (for an exception of probability of an extrauterine pregnancy).
Choosing right tactics of maintaining the patient with new growths in ovaries, the doctor relies first of all on age of the woman and on a tumor ozlokachestvleniye risk degree. In an age group of women of reproductive age, making decision on operational removal of an oothecoma is discussed jointly and most deliberately as surgery takes all ovary together with an appendage.
Conservative treatment of an oothecoma is possible when origins of a cyst have functional character, the cyst has no tendency to a rupture of the capsule, suppuration and other complications.
Today for surgical removal of an oothecoma the laparoscopy method is used most often. Laparoscopic operation is most effective, painless and does not threaten further with postoperative complications.
At regular visit of a sunbed the chance to develop a carcinoma cutaneum increases by 60%.
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