Main > Food stuffs> Кэроб


Кэроб receive from carob tree pods – a kerob. This evergreen usually well grows in climate of Italy, Spain, Cyprus and other Mediterranean countries.


Fruits of a kerob dark-brown and brilliant, with sweet pulp and firm seeds. In the raw pods do not use. If to bring together them unripe and to dry in the sun, then they develop a sweet taste.

In a keroba percentage of fats is less, but it is more than carbohydrates and calcium. To 50% of pulp of fruits make carbohydrates which impact sweet relish and do кэроб by an easy energy source. Calcium in fruits of a carob tree is 3 times more, than in cocoa beans, and it is effectively acquired from a digestive tract. But on caloric content кэроб approaches cocoa beans as the reduced amount of fat is compensated by carbohydrates of its pulp.

On the properties кэроб it is similar to cocoa powder. Small difference consists in lighter shade of coloring of powder, and still кэроб sweet on taste so does not demand additional addition of sugar.

Powder of a kerob is received, milling crude or fried pods of a carob tree. Unlike cocoa grains these pods do not contain psychogogic substances (caffeine, theobromine, etc.). Therefore the advantage of a kerob is that it is safe substitute of chocolate, with similar taste and color. The caffeine which is present at chocolate can excessively excite and cause nervousness, increase of serdtsebiyeniye. Кэроб it is deprived of these shortcomings, and at the same time impacts to confectionery pleasant chocolate relish.

Powder from pods of a carob tree is used in production of cakes, cakes, puddings, pies and other pastries as one of compound components of hot and cold drinks, including liqueurs. Wood of its tree was used as preparation for joiner's affairs earlier.

Порошок из кэроба

Useful properties of a kerob

Кэроб it is capable to strengthen development of a gastric juice, bile and to increase appetite. He has weak diuretic properties, and allows to struggle with hypostases. The advantage of a kerob consists also in its vitamin and mineral composition – it is a source of vitamins A, groups B and D, and also a number of microelements – iron, magnesium, copper, nickel. Protein in pulp of fruits makes 4 – 8%.

It is possible to refer lack of accustoming and dependence on it to important properties of a kerob. In it there is no feniletilamin capable to provoke migraine or hypertensive crisis, and also the fromamin causing allergic reactions.

Кэроб it is possible without fear to include in the diet to people with a diabetes mellitus and excess weight, and also to pregnant women and children.

Whether you know that:

In our intestines are born, millions of bacteria live and die. They can be seen only at strong increase, but if they gathered, then would be located in a usual coffee cup.