Coxarthrosis – the osteoarthrosis of a hip joint causing its deformation. This disease is quite widespread among people of old age, and here at young people she can be met significantly less often. Statistically, men are more subject to a coxarthrosis of a hip joint.
The coxarthrosis shares on primary (idiopathic) when the reason of a course of a disease is unknown, and a secondary coxarthrosis which develops against the background of any disease, a dysplasia of bones of a skeleton, an injury, disturbance in development of a joint, etc.
The coxarthrosis of a hip joint, as well as any kind of arthrosis, has tendency to progress over time. Therefore also clinical symptoms are also shown gradually. The most expressed symptom of a coxarthrosis is the insignificant sensation of pain when walking amplifying by the end of day.
As pain weak, patients seldom pay to it attention therefore and at this stage see a doctor seldom. In certain cases not pain, but the pulling feelings in a groin becomes the first symptom of a coxarthrosis. Eventually and a course of a disease pain when walking amplifies, patients begin to note that they should stop often for rest. By the evening after an intensive exercise stress there is a severe aching pain in the field of a hip joint.
As a result, the amplifying scelalgia leads to the fact that the patient sees a doctor. Some patients try to carry out treatment of a coxarthrosis by folk remedies, without addressing the doctor, and on the advice of the friends or acquaintances accepting various analgetics and other medicines without appointment of the doctor. As a rule, similar treatment helps only for a short time, and over time pain gains constant character, and its intensity significantly amplifies. Analgetics in such cases do not work any more.
Bol arising at a coxarthrosis forces patients "to adapt" to her. They know that at smaller load of a sore joint, he will be ill less therefore begin to limp when walking, trying to load a leg less. Smaller load of a sore leg leads to the fact that at the patient the hypotrophy of muscles develops that is visually observed in reduction of volume of an extremity in comparison with a healthy leg.
Quite often patients for the purpose of reduction of a pain syndrome minimize the movements – are afraid to disturb a sore joint once again that as a result and leads to its deformation. Quite often at a coxarthrosis it is possible to see shortening of a sore extremity.
Thus, in process of progressing of a disease forms, a so-called, vicious circle when one pathological phenomena promote development of others, and those, in turn, cause progressing of the first pathological symptoms of a coxarthrosis. Pain when walking the patient is caused gait disturbance, lameness and restriction of load of a sore joint that as a result leads to deformation of a joint and a hypotrophy of muscles.
Lameness at a coxarthrosis promotes disturbance of biomechanics of all structures of a skeleton which are taking part in walking process. There is a redistribution of load of joints of the lower extremities and a backbone that is followed by pain in a waist, a basin distortion, a rachiocampsis. All this breaks function of walking even more and causes progressing of a disease.
Thus, at a long absence of treatment of a coxarthrosis there is a dysfunction of a hip joint owing to what quality of life of the patient sharply worsens, it cannot independently move and service itself(himself).
Today there are 3 clinical stages of a coxarthrosis and 4 radiological stages. Stages depend on signs of defeat of a hip joint, expressiveness of pain and limitation of movements.
1 stage of a coxarthrosis of a hip joint has the most little signs. Clinical stages not always match with radiological therefore doctors quite symbolically use disease stages, and concerning treatment of a coxarthrosis they are not a determinal factor.
For the doctor and the patient treatment of a coxarthrosis presents certain difficulties. A main goal of treatment of a disease is ensuring full-fledged functionality of the injured joint without pain. Depending on extent of defeat and progressing of a disease types of treatment can differ significantly from each other.
So, at an initial stage of a coxarthrosis of a hip joint a main goal of the attending physician – as much as possible to take off pain at the movement of a joint and to slow down a course of a disease. In most cases these goals are achieved by change of a way of life and the patient's food. The doctor appoints to the patient special medical physical exercises and reception of analgetic drugs. Effective at this stage are courses of physical therapy, acupuncture. To patients appoint drugs of group of hondroprotektor.
When the disease is already in the started stage and conservative treatment of a coxarthrosis does not bring positive takes, the doctor can recommend to the patient to carry out endoprosthesis replacement of a hip joint.
Endoprosthesis replacement of a hip joint represents very exact operation with the purpose to return to the patient mobility of a painful joint and to allow to lead to the patient a full-fledged life.
There is a wish to note that patients should not be engaged in self-treatment and treatment of a coxarthrosis in folk remedies as they give only temporary effect and often lead to the fact that the patient addresses the doctor already with the expressed deformation of a joint and strong pain. At these stages conservative treatment does not bring desirable result any more and, in fact, the patient himself is guilty that offer it operational treatment. Endoprosthesis replacement of a hip joint can provoke a number of complications among which:
The coxarthrosis has the favorable forecast for life. Besides, the disease, as a rule, progresses slowly. However development of an aseptic necrosis of a head of a femur is possible. This state seriously threatens the patient's life.
Any specific prevention of a coxarthrosis does not exist. Methods of primary prevention are early detection and timely treatment of an injury and dislocation of a hip, a dysplasia of a hip joint, and also regular observation of people with pathology of a hip joint.
Secondary prevention is a timely diagnosis of a coxarthrosis at the first stage and its periodic conservative treatment at least 1-2 times a year. It is necessary to observe the orthopedic mode of unloading of a joint, to choose sedentary professions, to control body weight and to go in for physiotherapy exercises.
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