The colloid cyst represents pathological education on a thyroid gland and in a brain, having an appearance of a node of high density or a cavity with liquid contents.
The colloid cyst of a thyroid gland in most cases has a favorable current and does not demand serious treatment, but malignant complications are sometimes observed.
Generally the colloid cyst of a thyroid gland has two extents of development: zero with absence of a nodal craw and secondary with internal to changes, including, deformation of a neck.
Symptoms of a disease are squeezing of a neck, the complicated swallowing, irritation in a throat and trouble breathing.
Stresses, overfatigue, improper feeding, lack of an exercise stress, addictions, an irregular dream and disturbances of alkaline balance are the main reasons for developing of a colloid cyst.
The colloid cyst of a brain usually is an asymptomatic disease, but in rare instances causes a headache. At patients at advanced age symptoms of this cyst are the severe headache, increase in intracranial pressure, hydrocephaly of ventricles of a brain.
The colloid cyst of nodal type has consolidations which reason shortage of iodine in an organism, and also hereditary factors is. If nodes have the size of 5-10 mm, then they are not life-threatening the person. At increase in the sizes of a cyst there is a squeezing of a gullet, trachea and recurrent nerves.
Complications at a colloid cyst are the increased perspiration, heat, a cardiopalmus, irritability and a headache.
Now allocate two main types of a colloid cyst: educations in a brain and nodal consolidations of a thyroid gland.
The colloid cyst of a thyroid gland represents the site of fabric of high density with existence of a cavity. This disease does not influence the main functions of a thyroid gland, but can cause its pathologies.
The colloid cyst of a brain is located in the third ventricle and is not qualified as a brain tumor. This cyst has an appearance of thin jellylike weight which contents are placed in the capsule.
Medical researches established that this cyst is the disease of hereditary character caused by existence of a specific gene. Some researches established that the cyst of a brain is caused by pathological changes of neuroepithelial cells.
The main method of treatment of a colloid cyst is surgical removal. Operation is performed by the neurosurgeon who uses invasive surgical methods of treatment.
Surgical intervention is appointed according to age and a physical condition of the patient, and also a stage of a course of a disease.
Operational treatment of a colloid cyst is performed by means of endoscopic removal of a cyst with access to polusharny or mezhpolusharny area of a brain.
In case of a recurrence appoint repeated operation with puncture emptying. Sklerozant for adhesion of its walls and full removal of liquid enter into the area of a cyst.
Colloid cyst of a thyroid gland usually treat conservatively with purpose of iodinated drugs and hormonal means. If the cyst proceeds with heavy inflammatory process, then appoint a course of antibiotics.
Indications to operational treatment of this morbid condition are the big sizes of a cyst in a thyroid gland and squeezing of bodies of a neck.
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