The dysgraphia represents partial disorder of process of the letter which is connected with disturbance or incomplete formation of the mental functions which are responsible for control and implementation of a written language. This pathology is shown by the repeating resistant mistakes on the letter which cannot be eliminated independently without special training. Similar disturbances act as a serious obstacle for mastering of the diploma the child therefore correction of a dysgraphia is that necessary step which parents have to undertake as soon as possible.
Quite often the dysgraphia at children is combined with such phenomenon as a dyslexia which is shown by reading process disturbances. Dyslexias are also the cornerstone underdevelopment of attention, complexity of recognition of letters and space perception. Usually the dysgraphia is shown by admissions of letters and syllables. It demonstrates that the child does not isolate aurally public or some consonants.
If parents notice similar signs at the child, it is necessary to begin treatment of pathology immediately. Correction of a dysgraphia at younger school students assumes, first of all, work with the children's psychologist and the logopedist. The psychologist has to help the child to overcome difficulties in the relations in a family and at school, and the logopedist develops disease treatment planning. It is under construction according to the mechanism and a form of disturbance of the letter. If to speak about the general ways of correction of a dysgraphia at younger school students, then it is possible to distinguish the following from them the most effective:
Besides, at correction of a dysgraphia at younger school students courses of medicamentous therapy and some types of rehabilitation treatment are quite often appointed. Among the last the physical therapy, a hydrotherapy and massage procedures are most often used.
Specialists distinguish several types of a dysgraphia:
The last look is characterized by instability of visual impressions, leading to specific mistakes when separate letters and unusual fonts are not distinguished. Such wrong perception is expressed by mixing of letters by the letter.
E. V. Mazanova in the book "Correction of an Optical Dysgraphia" for treatment of a disease offers carrying out correctional and logopedic work on this main directions:
Correction of an optical dysgraphia includes a set of various exercises which promote the above-named directions. For example, for development of a visual gnozis by specialists naming of the planimetric, crossed-out and imposed images of objects, and also their dorisovka is recommended. For improvement of color perception such exercises as naming of flowers on pictures, their group on a color background or shades, painting of various geometrical figures in specific colors on a task practice.
Correction of a dysgraphia, across Mazanova, includes also exercises on recognition of letters. So, it is possible to suggest the child to find a certain letter among some other, to define letters which are located incorrectly, to define the letters imposed at each other etc.
Development of visual memory and space perception acts as the following stage. In this case at correction of a dysgraphia, across Mazanova, such exercises as storing of the picture or objects, their arrangement and reproduction through certain time are carried out. Space orientation demands several types of orientation:
Mazanova for correction of a dysgraphia also recommends to pay much attention to differentiation of letters which includes the isolated writing them:
Correction of a dysgraphia and dyslexia, as a rule, is divided into 4 main stages:
The first stage of correction of a dysgraphia and dyslexia assumes identification of these frustration at children by means of dictations, inspection of a condition of the lexical and grammatical party of the speech and the analysis of its results.
The second stage is aimed at the general development of manual motility, spatio-temporal representations, memory and thinking.
Overcoming disgrafichesky disturbances is characteristic of the third stage of correction of a dysgraphia and a dyslexia. Work in this case is implemented preferential at the syntactic, lexical and phonetic levels and is quite often directed to elimination of problems with the coherent speech, reading and a sound pronunciation.
The last stage of a technique is designed to estimate results of correction of a dysgraphia and dyslexia therefore at it a repeated inspection of writing skills and reading, and also the analysis of various written works of children is usually carried out.
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