Most of researchers agree in opinion that for the first time cheese from goat milk was made in the territory of Asia more than 10000 years ago. However only in the 13th century the compounding of its preparation got into Europe. The first Romans to whom the recipe of this product was brought by Moors could estimate unusual taste of goat cheese. After them many people living in the territory of modern Europe became admirers of goat cheese. In those far times cheese from goat milk was not considered as a delicacy, it was given practically to each meal and used in large numbers.
Today the relation to goat cheese changed in proportion to growth of its price. This expensive pleasure is carried to delicacies. Whether it is surprising that the leader in his production France – the country which is famous for ancient and traditional recipes of cheese making where the choice of grades of goat cheese is really incredibly broad is considered.
The variety of grades of cheese on the basis of goat milk is defined first of all by degree of its endurance. Certainly, both flavoring, and aromatic nuances of a delicacy also extremely depend on its age. Snow-white color, incredibly gentle taste and a consistence of the mousse melting in the mouth are inherent to young goat cheese. With age cheese acquires dense structure, also specific, spicy smack of goat milk amplifies.
Preparation of goat cheese begins with selection of milk to which certain requirements are imposed: sufficient fat content and aroma. The milk placed in special capacity is heated to 33 degrees then add special ferment to it. The next 24 hours pass in expectation of when cheese gets a curdled consistence. After that cheese is manually displayed in molds. As it becomes more dense, and serum completely will flow down, almost ready cheese from goat milk is placed in a cellar where it has to ripen. Indoors, where the delicacy is brought to desirable degree of a maturity, the constant temperature, and also air humidity is carefully maintained. So strict observance of technology is necessary to provide necessary conditions for microorganisms thanks to which goat cheese becomes a ready-made product. At last, the ripened cheese is dried, giving it a usual trade dress. Just ripened, fresh goat cheese differs in lack of taste and almost ideal whiteness. Only a week later after process of dehumidification is complete, goat cheese gets inherent to it and aroma so well-loved by many.
Goat cheese is well combined with many products and is suitable for different types of heat treatment. So, young and soft cheese perfectly melts on a grill, it is also added to snack and salads for giving of juicy notes. The matured goat cheese to which strong aroma and the expressed smack is inherent is recommended to the use is dosed.
All types of goat cheese are stored in hermetically packed plastic packages or boxes.
Goat cheese – a well of useful mineral substances. Sodium which content in 100 g of a product reaches 1900 mg is at the first place. The amount of calcium in structure – 740 mg is twice less. Besides, goat cheese contains zinc, iron, copper, potassium, phosphorus and magnesium.
The vitamins which are contained in goat cheese: PP, E, C, H, B12, B9, B6, B1, B2, B5, A.
Caloric content of goat cheese makes 290 Kcal which consist of the following indicators: about 21 g of proteins, 22 g of fats and 1 g of carbohydrates.
First of all the advantage of goat cheese is defined by existence of lactobacilli in it. Numerous researches showed that the organisms which are contained in any grade of cheese from goat milk are completely identical that they are a part of "live" yogurts. In 1 g of a product their quantity reaches 107 units, the content of lactic acid at the same time is huge – about 99%. These microorganisms in connection with the ability to have antibacterial effect, and also for existence of the properties equating them to antibiotics are appreciated.
Very few people know, however nutritious properties of goat cheese are much higher than his fellow made of cow's milk. Comprehensibility of goat cheese in comparison with cheese from cow's milk is much higher. Besides, it does not cause an allergy and contains several times more vitamin A. Regularly eating goat cheese, it is possible to improve considerably dental health, bones, and also to normalize blood pressure.
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