Small tortoiseshell is a skin disease which main symptom are blisters on a surface of an integument of a body and mucous membranes. Educations have a reddish shade, are followed by a severe itch and hypostasis of fabrics. There are they, as a rule, not for long (no more than one and a half days). Urticaria which symptoms are caused by emission in blood of a large number of a histamine is a consequence of increase in permeability of capillary vessels and their permanent expansion. For this reason most of researchers explain emergence of this disease of allergic reaction of an organism to external irritants.
Small tortoiseshell at children and adults is subdivided into two forms – acute and chronic. The first lasts about one and a half months and arises after reception of allergic food stuffs, some medicines, stings of insects and hemotransfusion. In addition to standard symptoms at the patient the severe emotional stress caused by emergence of ugly and numerous blisters is often noted. Acute urticaria which treatment is not carried out or carried out negligently develops into chronic. It is much more difficult to get rid of it therefore at the first symptoms of a disease see the attending physician.
The most important sign of allergic reaction of an organism is a sudden emergence of blisters which merge in one big zone of defeat over time. Development of pathology is followed by sharp deterioration in health of the person, and also separate symptoms of fever. Severe forms of a disease cause the swelling of a fatty tissue affecting the person and generative organs. Skin of patients gains pale pinkish color. In the absence of adequate treatment hypostases of a mucous membrane of respiratory tracts develop that can lead to a stenosis of blood vessels and even asphyxia.
Exacerbations of a disease provoke fervescence, a headache, bystry fatigue. Quite often a small tortoiseshell causes disorders of digestive tract which are shown in the form of nausea, vomiting and diarrhea in children and adults. The considerable trouble is given also by a constant itch. It leads to sleep disorders and psychoemotional failures.
At people with hypersensitivity of integuments a so-called solar small tortoiseshell can develop. Disease symptoms in this case are shown after long impact on skin of ultraviolet rays. Usually solar small tortoiseshell is observed at women during the spring and summer period.
First of all, it is necessary to establish the reason of emergence of blisters and to take all necessary measures for its elimination. To patients the eliminative diet and cleansing enemas within at least 3 days is appointed. All products causing allergic reactions are excluded from a standard diet: chicken, citrus, chocolate, smoked products, eggs, canned food, marinades and carbonated drinks.
At the diagnosis urticaria, treatment consists also in reception of antihistaminic drugs. Are most often used bronat, терфенадин, астелонг, Teridinum, телфаст, lomilanum, цетрин, зиртек, кестин and кларитин. At a cholinergic small tortoiseshell will be effective M-holinoblokiratory like Belloidum, bellataminal and a bellaspon.
As well as in case of many other skin diseases, treatment of a small tortoiseshell perhaps various folk remedies. We will give only the few from them:
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