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Belladonnas extract

The prices in Internet drugstores:

from 39 rub.

КрасавкаBelladonnas extract – means against hemorrhoids.

Pharmacological action

Belladonna extract – the drug for topical administration having antiinflammatory, spasmolytic, soothing effect.

Also means promotes reduction of the raised tone of muscles of all abdominal cavity.

Release form

Release candles with belladonna extract rectal.

Indications to use

Belladonnas appoint extract according to the instruction for healing of anal fissures, treatment of hemorrhoids.

Belladonna extract at pregnancy is effective, by preparation for childbirth – for prevention of hemorrhoids, relaxation of a neck of uterus for simplification of patrimonial process.

Application instruction of extract of a belladonna

Красавки экстракт свечиCandles with extract of a belladonna apply only rektalno. Recommend to enter a candle into a rectum as it is possible more deeply after bowel emptying naturally or a cleansing enema – for achievement of the maximum effect.

Drug is used 5-7dn on one candle by several times/days. An admissible daily dose – 10 candles (150 mg). The patient if necessary can complete a repeated course.

Belladonna extract dosages at pregnancy have especially individual character, often appoint it together with Nospanum.

Side effects

At the use of drug in high doses, as well as at individual intolerance of means, the feeling of thirst, dryness in a mouth, heartbeat, pains and discomfort in a stomach can appear, the headache, drowsiness, dizziness, taste loss, a lock, nervousness, can extend pupils, appear allergic reactions (an itch, a Quincke's edema, a small tortoiseshell), spasms, an ischuria, photophobia, the chair, sight, a dream, the speech, appetite, concentration of attention can be broken, intraocular pressure can increase.

If at the pregnant woman use of means led to side effects, it can be replaced with candles with a papaverine (only after consultation with the gynecologist).

Contraindications to belladonna extract use

Belladonnas extract according to the instruction cannot be applied at prostate adenoma, glaucoma.

During treatment it is necessary to consider that means exerts impact on motor and mental reactions. Also it is necessary to know that morphine and caffeine reduce effect of extract of a belladonna, and simultaneous use of drug with a foxglove can provoke arrhythmia.

During a lactation drug is contraindicated.

The prices in Internet drugstores:

Name of drug



Belladonnas extract of a candle of 15 mg No. 10, Nizhpharm (N. Novgorod)

39 rub.

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