The grade a red cabbage is one of kinds well of the acquaintance all of garden cabbage.
Closest "sister" of a red cabbage — a white cabbage.
Cabbage will be read since ancient times. Pythagoras was a big fan of this vegetable, considering that it invigorates and at the same time gives peace of mind. Since the same times of property of a red cabbage are used in the medical purposes. To Russia this grade of cabbage came from the countries of the Mediterranean region in transit through Western Europe. One sources specify that it occurred approximately in the 17th century, others — on a joint of 19 and 20 centuries. But today it is not so important. The main thing that cabbage in the shortest possible time gained popularity in the people and took the worthy place on kitchen gardens.
The red cabbage has dense roundish or oval (it is rare — cone-shaped) a head of cabbage weighing from 1 to 3 kg, a massive branched root and very short stalk. Seeds begin to form from second year of life. This biannual plant, and in the first year is formed a head of cabbage, and in the second — seeds and a floriferous stalk. The grade a red cabbage differs from white in late ripeness, longer preservation of a trade dress, the smaller size of the socket of leaves and a head of cabbage, and also violet-red color of the last. The best temperature condition for maturing of cabbage — 15-18 °C.
As a part of a red cabbage it is possible to emit the following substances:
The advantage of a red cabbage is defined by its structure. It is very useful and dietary product. First of all, it is necessary to tell that two main structural components are water (to 90%) and cellulose.
Existence in structure of a red cabbage of cellulose and lactic acid provides its positive influence on intestinal microflora. Besides, cellulose allows an organism "to dump" excess cholesterol.
The advantage of a red cabbage for a thyroid gland, kidneys and process of a hemopoiesis is predetermined by availability of protein. And unless there is a protein in vegetables? – you ask. It is not simple to eat: a red cabbage in this respect the leader among other vegetables: you will not find so much protein neither in beet, nor in carrots, nor in other vegetables.
From vitamins most of all in a red cabbage of the ascorbic acid (vitamin C) remaining in a vegetable a long time at its storage. Niacin (RR vitamin) promotes the normal growth and development of fabrics, participates in formation of energy from sugar and fats. Folic acid promotes a hemopoiesis.
The red cabbage both macro - and is rich with microelements. Of course, all minerals are in own way important, but in particular it would be desirable to note selenium especially as here its contents is higher, than in other vegetables. The important role in immunity maintenance is assigned to selenium, it is a part of the enzymes activating function of a thyroid gland. Selenium is a prominent participant of exchange processes, performs "assenizatorsky" functions, clearing an organism of heavy metals and toxins, and helps with oxygen delivery to cells. Zinc favorably affects work of a brain.
Phytoncides and anthocyans increase elasticity and elasticity of capillaries, optimize their permeability, protect an organism from radiation and prevent leukemia and tuberculosis.
The red cabbage brings notable benefit to hypertensive persons: enrichment of a food allowance this vegetable promotes a lowering of arterial pressure. Such cabbage and in prevention of vascular diseases is good. Thanks to the wound healing properties, the red cabbage is shown at frequent bleedings and the increased fragility of capillaries.
This vegetable is recommended to use before the outlined feast (it will smooth effect of alcohol).
If to add sugar to juice of a red cabbage or, what is more optimum, honey, then remarkable cough remedy and osiplost will turn out.
One more characteristic property of a red cabbage — diuretic who can also "be placed at service" to the persons having cardiovascular pathology since it helps to slow down development of atherosclerotic changes of vessels.
Probably, it will be interesting to much (in particular — to women) that the red cabbage is obligatory attribute of various dietary programs for weight loss. In view of a large amount of cellulose and water this product has low caloric content that for obvious reasons is welcomed in a diet of persons with an excess weight. Other "female" secret of a red cabbage — stimulation of growth of chest glands. Speaking frankly, it is not confirmed with science, but in the people there is such belief.
In what look it is necessary to use this useful vegetable? Here pantophagy is allowed: will approach both boiled, and stewed, and a crude look. If cabbage is exposed to temperature processing, then it is not recommended to train her more than an hour to keep useful properties. The broth which remained after "a culinary delicacy" well will approach as a basis for soup or as independent drink.
In a word, "heroine" of our today's article — a plant from all directions remarkable.
If to compare advantage of a red cabbage with white, then the last will have an advantage at all not. And if you, standing in the greengrocer's bench, thought what to choose a grade: a red cabbage or white, safely make the choice for the first.
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